Sunday Sandy Update
28 October 2012
Frog strangler rain
10/28/2012 7:15 PM
Ok, we got soft in our old age. We decided that since the dock was about to go under and we would not be able to get off the boat for some time, to get a motel room for a few days. We need a couple of days in a place where the beds and the head are not moving so lively. Our location in the marina put us in line to have a very lively night or two when Sandy makes shore. We watched the barometer drop from 1012mb to 991 mb in 24 hours. That means that Sandy is one big storm since she was still 240 miles away when we stepped off the boat. Of course, I will keep an eye on her during our absence. Hopefully, she will not feel abandoned. As we have mentioned before, all this means little to those outside the kill zone but in this case said kill zone is the largest in history. This storm is a thousand miles in diameter and will morf into something akin to a Nor’easter. Given that we have managed to encounter more than a few weird weather situations in the past few years, other cruiser friends are now starting to track us so that they know where not to go. Where is Why Knot? Ok, mark that one off the destination list while they are there. From now until about Wednesday, conditions will continue to go downhill. So much for a beautiful fall. This storm will remove many of those colorful leaves.