Chance Meeting
02 July 2013 | Sandwich, Mass.
Improving weather
Chance Meeting
July 2, 2013
As of now, we have put over 3,600 miles under our keel since leaving Texas. Seems like it should have been more. Obviously, with each passing mile we see fewer Texas boats. Against the rules of nautical flag etiquette, we proudly fly a Texas flag from our spreader. That seems to create opportunities to meet fellow Texans along the way. I was walking Scurv this morning when I passed a fellow wearing a 101st Airborne cap. As one of those guys, I spoke. The conversation went as usual such as “When were you there?”. Then the fellow mentioned he saw our flag and that he is from Texas. The next part gets a bit unusual. I said Port Aransas. He said he was from near San Antonio to which I said we actually live near SA. I said New Braunfels to which he said “same here”. Turns out we live about 12 miles apart. So, here in this place at 0700 on July 2 our paths cross. He left an hour or so later to sail north. We may see them again. We hope so.
Bear and I decided to visit the local Farmer’s Market today. Backpack and walking shoes in place we struck out. Good thing I checked the gps on the old phone because we took a wrong turn and added about a mile to the walk. We had general directions to the FM and I do mean general. About three miles into it we were still not there. At just under four miles, we arrived to find all of 10 participants. Needless to say, we needed a break and found a pizza joint from which to call a cab. Twenty bucks lighter we enjoyed a long nap. What did we learn? For one thing, if the locals don’t know where said event is, don’t go there, especially on foot. Sandwich is a pretty place but seeing it by foot at our age is ill advised. We leave here tomorrow going somewhere as yet decided.