24 August 2014
I think Why Knot is ready to complete her last leg of the cruise and certainly, we are ready to get her home. This wednesday is the day three scurvydawg friends and I climb aboard to depart on the tide from Clear Lake to Galveston thence to Port Aransas. For the first time in weeks it is a high likelyhood that we will see some rain along the way. Winds, as usual, are supposed to oppose a good sailing direction thus we might put that fuel pump to a real test. It is about four hours to Galveston and then we will decide to either continue or stop for the night. My confidence level is on shakey ground since we will have very few hours on the renewed engine. Let's say that all is well when we reach Galveston. We then have 155 nautical miles jetty to jetty to get-r-done. That is a full 24 hours and we have not done that for some time. I have three crew of varying experience levels sailing and at sea. No offense to them in any way but Bear will not be on this leg. When she is not aboard, Why Knot and I miss her dearly. So, bright and early on Thursday morning, the adventure continues. Fingers are crossed on the engine but I am definitely looking to hoisting our new main for the first time underway. Why Knot is going home.