Yacht Sweet Waters

48 Ft Lello Blue Ocean Cruising Yacht

22 August 2015 | Hout Bay
05 August 2015 | Mossel Bay
03 August 2015 | Mossel Bay
27 July 2015
27 July 2015
10 July 2015
09 July 2015 | Mossel Bay
10 June 2015 | Mossel BAy
21 March 2015 | Mossel Bay
23 February 2015 | Mossel Bay
14 February 2015 | Mossel Bay
13 February 2015 | Between Plettenberg Bay and Mossel Bay
12 February 2015 | Opposite Tsitsikama forests
09 February 2015 | Port Elizabeth
30 January 2015 | East London
27 January 2015 | Durban
19 January 2015 | Richards Bay

Temprary respite

30 May 2012 | Richards Bay
Babooshas Bikers Club was closed by the authorities today. For just 3 weeks. Does that mean it gives them time to get the licenses in order? Well, they wanted to do a strip show tonight, in flagrant disregard of the fact that the club is surrounded by family restaurants. The local Ministers fraternal are NOT impressed at all. Apart from liquor and business license issues, there are several other issues also being investigated. There have been a LOT of developments today. However, we keep getting yelled and sworn at and harassed by staff members who have been placed under the impression that we have lost them their jobs. Well their jobs would have been secure if the laws of the country were adhered to and they were not accomplices in disturbing the peace and depriving all the people here of sleep all night and up to 4am. If you break the law, you must face the consequences. When people came and harassed us at the yacht and we confronted then, it was the staff and owner of the club who came to further harass us, the victims. NPA, Tuzi Gazi Waterfront and SAPS are posting extra guards tonight to protect our family from the continued threats and incitement etc. Tomorrow there will be more court orders. Senior Generals in the SAPS investigation unit are involved now. We need more people to rally around so we can re-establish a nice family oriented area for the majority of residents in this city. Those who wish to enjoy thunderous music, wild parties, strip shows, brawling outside clubs and terrorizing law abiding citizens, elderly people, children and animals with their cars and bikes revving and racing around, should find a venue suitable for their purposes in an area which is not serviced by family restaurants and tourism service providers. The NPA, the Council, all the restaurant owners, the Hotel and its landlord as well as visiting international yachtsmen all agree. Please respect the right of those members of society who want to live a dignified family life to be able to do so without having others impose their alternative culture on them. Seeing that there will be thousands of objections to the various licenses being re-issued (all the churches, most family people, people from intranets of most industries, most of our client base etc.) I can say with absolute confidence that no one will allow such folly to re-emerge in this area. What with the council wanting to create a proper tourism area in the area, the operators will have to go and find premises in Alton for their "jolls".

The minister fraternal alone stopped the casino in RB. They will stop this no problem see http://christo.schmidt.myweb.absamail.co.za/campaign.html
Campaign against Casino development

I will publish the e-mail addresses for objections tomorrow: -

Vessel Name: Yacht Sweet Waters
Vessel Make/Model: Lello 48
Hailing Port: Durban
Crew: Izak Labuschagne
Izak (Skip). Been Sailing 40 years, charter captain for over 22 years of that. Done all sorts of stuff in between (www.izak.co.za). Like all yachties, a jack of all trades having done refits on Sweet Waters and even converted Navy patrol vessels. [...]
Route plan: - Richards Bay to Cape Town via East London & Mossel Bay, then to St Helena Island in the middle of the Atlantic, then to Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean, Panama, Pacific Go check our progress on the map below. For now, we are in Cape Town, pursuing work opportunities to [...]
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/sweetwaters/

Yacht Sweet Waters

Who: Izak Labuschagne
Port: Durban
And more...