Last season
10 July 2013 | Richards Bay

Murphy has been busy with all sorts. Medical problems followed by having to redo the engine (cannot complain after 17,000 hours (that I know of). A Rolls Royce built (Gun metal) 1972 Marine Perkins 4236 is a collector's item of course. I had to redo most of what the brain damaged 'experts' did. Se Empangeni Engineering Genius on You tube. Go see for yourself. Well after that the head gasket blew. Why? Because these idiots left so much sand and gunk in the thread wells of the engine block that the bolts bottomed out before they could pull the head down. They cost us a fortune in lost business. Then we had to fix a problem that some shipwright (renamed ship wrong) caused in 2004. Had to get the shaft redone too because graphite stuffing acts as a conductor and causes advanced electrolysis....
So, we are doing the season again and a few more trips to Durban before we go.
Added quite a few more improvements of course. Like a Wifi, AP, Wisp, 3G Android, BB, combination Hotpoint to integrate all the electronic goodies on board. Serviced the Hydraulics and added bypass valves instead of the old system we used for the Aires.