Developing critical skills
07 July 2006 | California
Seeing as how we'll be out in the wide world for some time we have tried to make sure that we can fend for ourselves and see to the necessities of life. As we focus more and more on reducing possessions I find Costco less and less valuable. The other day we were there to buy things to get the house ready for sale when Hideko spotted a hair trimmer. She was ecstatic. The trimmer rated high on her list of must haves so that she could make sure I always had a proper hair cut. For $25 it was a bargain. Or so I thought. It is hard to imagine but you can get a botched hair cut even when the barber simply shaves your whole head with a #3. Discovering the skills you don't have is an interesting process. I'm hoping this one develops rapidly. I will be cutting Hideko's hair sooner or later so retribution is near at hand.