10 August 2008 | Bora Bora
I have never considered myself a Trekkie. Geek yes, Trekkie no. I loved the cheese of the original series but could never buy into the Next Generation or any of the other spin offs. I also gave up TV back in 1985 so I more or less missed the wave.
At a company I started with some friends in the 90s we began naming computer servers after Lord of the Rings characters. Frodo, Bilbo, Pippin, Gandalf and the like. Then I hired a guy named Rob and he took things to a whole new level. We had a new data center coming up with lots of machines to name. Rob went the Star Trek route. I could keep up for a while with Kirk and Scotty, but then machines called Data and Quark started to show up. Rob was a sharp and fun guy. I decided maybe I'd better give the new stuff a try if for no other reason than to keep our servers straight.
Well as expected the new Trek is Sci Fi cheese with a lot of Triungulating Retrogamma Xeno particles, but it is fun. Hideko and I have watched little else when we are alone aboard since we left the US. We finished the three seasons of The Original Series (TOS), all of the original series movies, all seven seasons of The Next Generation (TNG), two of the four next generation movies and we just finished all seven seasons of Deep Space Nine (DS9). We are now starting into the seven seasons of Voyager (the hard core geeks will chastise us for not starting Voyager contemporaneous with DS9 season 4 but hey, they're in the D quadrant!). We have only the four seasons of Enterprise awaiting.
I suppose we will not be able to dodge the Trekie appellation much longer. I guess even Geeks need a break from paradise.