Arrival in La Cruz
01 January 2011 | La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, MX
Fred with Penny's 2 cents

As has been the norm on this trip, there was again, no wind so we motored the whole way and I didn't even bother to put the mainsail up. It was a pleasant trip and along the beautiful tropical coastline where the jungle meets the sea. Punta de Mita is a small headland to round and is the entrance to Banderas Bay, the largest bay in the world or so I hear. We rounded and headed for La Cruz and saw a bunch of boats gathered together and they were following 3 or 4 humpback whales. So we motored over and joined them but the whales disappeared. Must be something about Tapatai that they don't like because other people rave about the whales that get close to their boat and how fun they are to watch. We have yet to experience that but since we are in Banderas Bay we should have ample opportunity. Just hope we don't run into one.
Today is New Years Eve and we did laundry and had breakfast and made a reservation at Philo's in town for dinner with some Canadians that we met. They are expecting 1000 people so it should be fun. We missed the cruisers net this morning because we forgot that La Cruz, while on Mountain Standard time, observes Central time as that is the time zone in Puerto Vallarta. So we lost an hour and missed the net but sounds like a dock party is forming at 5pm and then everyone gathers on the breakwater to watch the many firework displays across the bay in PV. Hope I can stay up that long. If so I may have a photo or two later.
PENNY"S TWO CENTS: Happy New Year dear friends! We missed everyone SO much but did manage to have a good time - danced, ate good food with good people and watched the fireworks at midnight. There were fireworks along the entire stretch of Bandaras Bay and it was something to see. There is an amphitheater on the marina grounds and a band was playing until 1:30 in the morning! Gosh, it is 2011, amazing. I hope all of you are well and we wish everyone an exceptionally healthy and happy new year!
Oh, by the way, everyone brings their dogs with them everywhere so there were lots of 2 legged people and 4 legged animals last night and there were people dancing with their pets! One dog had only 3 legs and he had a real name, but was referred to as "tri-pod".