Los Gatos and Mexican Train finale
22 April 2011 | Los Gatos

We have spent 2 days and nights in Los Gatos which is 28 miles north of Evaristo. This is where the red rocks start and is very picturesque. We traveled with Mystic and Anna and when we anchored there were only 3 other boats. Then others started to arrive in the afternoon and the next morning some left. It seems that check out time is about 10AM depending on how far it is to the next neat anchorage and check in is in the late afternoon. We spent 2 days beach combing and this morning I took Penny into the beach at 7 so she could do a long hike. I spent several hours trying to make sense of about 1000 photos we have taken and organize them in folders in Picasa. Tonight we had lobster provided by Manuel for a 100 peso note and a pork chop with fried potatoes. Then the folks from Anna and Mystic came over so we could finish our game of Mexican Train, boys vs. girls. Well the boys kicked butt finally and we had a blast. Lots of comments and remarks about who played what and why. Marylou made a big tray of brownies so that is probably why I am up at 11:30 writing this. They were so good that I had 2 big ones but so did everyone else. We said that if we are awake at 2 or so we will contact each other on 22 and have a night time chat. Tomorrow we will do another beach walk and then head up to Agua Verde which is 18 miles north. We will probably stay 3 days and then we will leave to head back to La Paz while our friends head north to Puerto Escondido for Loreto Fest which is the 29th, 30th and 1st. We will stop at some of the places that we missed on the way up. So far the weather has been power boat weather meaning that there is not enough wind to sail so we are motoring most of the time. The winds have been out of the south but light and we hope they will change and come from the north as we go back to La Paz.