Los Frailes and San Jose del Cabo
13 May 2011 | Los Frailes
Fred and Penny's Nickel

We arrived in Los Frailes in the mid afternoon and only one boat was there. Later another one came in and that was it after 12 in Muertos. Where did everyone go! It was an uneventful powerboat trip to Los Frailes but the water temperature was 81 degrees. Bob took a swim and it got in up to my neck as I still have a punctured ear drum and can't get it wet or at least I shouldn't. I barbecued chicken and Penny and Bob did mashed potatoes and Darlene made a Wedge salad complete with blue cheese. We finished up our Mexican train game and then did a partners regular dominoes (Finally GUYS rule!) and then to bed. A coromuel came in with winds about 10 -15 knots early in the morning but no rocking and rolling so we all got a good night's sleep.
Took off about 8am for Puerto Los Cabos and there was enough wind to sail for a change. So up with the main and we motor sailed while running the refer system for an hour and then shut the engine down and rolled out the jib. We were in about 17 knots of wind from behind so went wing and wing and the old girl would surf up to 11.9 knots. Not bad for 36,000 lbs. We made it to Puerto San Carlos in 4 hours but the wind died the last hour. We stopped at the fuel dock and topped off and filled our 3 extra 30 liter deck cans and then into R-7, the same slip we had in November. The container restaurant is still going strong and there is another container converted to office space for a swim with the dolphins operation.
We plan to rent a car for a few days to get to town and do some final provisioning and to pick up Fletcher from the airport and drop off Penny and Darlene as they fly home Friday. Unfortunately the weather does not look good for leaving this weekend so we will have to play it by ear and keep looking at the forecasts and listening to other cruisers that are ahead of us. Our friend Em Black is in Mag Bay hunkered down and thinks he will be there through next Thursday when the front passes through. We will see if we can find a window to get out of Cabo to Mag Bay or Santa Maria before the front comes down but maybe not. Ah life in Mexico. Que Lastima - we hate to leave.
Penny's Nickel: Friday, May 13, 2011. It's a beautiful morning, clear with a nice breeze and a beautiful sunrise. It's my final day of this incredible journey that was arranged by my sweet Fred and began in November 2010; we traveled almost 2.500 miles across and around the most beautiful land on this earth. The beauty was staggering, but for me the best part of these last months was the people we met and the memories of the good times spent together. How do you put something as fragile and beautiful as friendship into words? I don't know how and so will end this journal with wishes for health, happiness, and safe travels with the wind always behind you.