El Fuerte
20 January 2016 | El Fuerte
Fred/very pleasant
We explored the town of El Fuerte and were very impressed by how clean it was. Beautiful central square with nicely maintained buildings. The Palace Municipal is a two story building built around a large central courtyard with the offices for all the various departments. Beautifully maintained and clean as a whistle. As we walked around and looked in some of the offices we saw lots of books with records written in them. Probably lot books for property and also for registering berths. Several mothers with newborns waiting their turn. Didn't see many computers but did see a few typewriters with carrage return handles. You yougans won't know what that is!
Several hotel, one of which claims El Zorro lived there back in the day. Not sure how long ago that was but the town was there in the 1500's. They had a statue of El Zorro in the courtyard. Look at the El Furte photo gallery.
We also visited the hotel where we stayed in 1995, The Hotel El Fuerte. Was originally a governor's house. It is magnificent now so please look at the photos.
We found a bank and withdrew some pesos and also stopped at a small cafe. I had Huevos rancheros and Penny had Gorditos. We both had coffee (instant) and the bill was $10 or about $5.50. With our strong dollar Mexico is a real bargain. Loved El Fuerte,tomorrow the Copper Canyon train.