Tails from the Tempest

The saga of sailing vessel Tempest and her valiant seadogs.

07 July 2007 | Slidell, Louisiana

Our lucky voyage begins

07 July 2007 | Slidell, Louisiana
Today we began the adventure of our lives. Cast off from our home at Oak Harbor and eased out into the Rigolets. Join us for the next few years as we sail around the world at a walking pace.

Tempest :Sailing around the world so you don't have to.
Vessel Name: Tempest
Vessel Make/Model: Amel Mango
Hailing Port: Baton Rouge
Crew: Captain Bob, Admiral Annette, and Paco
About: Capt Bob is a retired Neonatologist, novice sailor and amateur weatherman Admiral Annette is a retired Respiratory Therapist and long time sailor Paco is a Long haired Chihuahua, a noble breed of Inca legend, and the Wonder Weather Dog, in charge of boat security
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/tempest/
Tempest's Photos - Main
Off the Coast of Cabo Gracias a Dios, Honduras
No Photos
Created 1 September 2009
Home for huricane season 2008
59 Photos
Created 2 November 2008
Beautiful Bay Islands
1 Photo
Created 2 November 2008
Our second foreign port and first long term stay
41 Photos
Created 2 November 2008
Our October 08 Trip
35 Photos | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 2 November 2008
Annette and Bob
11 Photos
Created 9 September 2008
True Sea Dogs? The fearless crew
6 Photos
Created 9 September 2008
1984 Amel Mango 52 Our Home
23 Photos
Created 9 September 2008
Our first foreign port
1436 Photos
Created 12 August 2008

Meet the Crew

Who: Captain Bob, Admiral Annette, and Paco
Port: Baton Rouge

Our Wake