Sailing South on Solitude

John, Penni & Timmy 2024

The Keys

It rained yesterday evening. Not desperately inconvenient except it brought the no-see-ums (midges) out in full force. They chased us in the dingy and invaded our boat as we hurriedly closed the hatches. Our evening’s entertainment was - squash the no-see-ums. We were pretty even at around 20 each. We went to bed sweaty and itchy. We also knew we had a sunrise start the next day as we needed to negotiate the shallows close to high tide. Neither of us got much sleep with intermittent rain- close the hatches- lack of air - open the hatches- rain- close the hatches. You get the idea. I woke at 5 am thinking about Po from the Teletubbies. That led me to think of La La and Tinky Winky. But who was the fourth? I could not get my mind off this train of thought which also led to what colors they each were. Then the alarm went off at six. John was unphased when my fist question of the day was ‘What is the fourth teletubby called?’ Having answered my question without hesitation, he then suggested he should start the engine whilst we had breakfast so he could make sure it started okay. I groaned because of the noise and John indulged me by saying he would do it later. So we were ready to go at 7:15, not far past our 7:00 target. John turned the ignition, but the engine would not start. I made myself scarce (not easy on a boat) as John determined that the batteries were too run down. We then had to wait another half hour or so for the generator to charge the batteries so the engine would start. We finally left No Name Harbor at 8:15. It was nice and windy, but on the nose, so we would not be able to sail. Biscayne bay was a little wavy, but not choppy. Unfortunately for John, the waves lulled Timmy and I off to sleep for the majority of the trip. Despite this, or maybe because of this, we made great time and pulled in at Gilbert’s Marina on Key Largo at 2:30. Electricity! Showers! Air conditioning! Gilbert’s would not be considered luxurious, but the facilities are clean enough now my standards have lowered. It has a great atmosphere with a restaurant the other side of our dock, a little beach, cocktails and a friendly welcome from everyone here - probably because of the cocktails…Oh, in case you were wondering- Dipsy is the Teletubby I could not remember. Would not want to give anyone a bad night…
