
Who: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ
09 April 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
10 March 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
10 March 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
09 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa

Is Healthcare a Right ?

06 July 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
Kimball Corson
Free markets fail in health care as Arrow showed and I have spelled out in detail. That is a Carte Blanche invitation for government to intervene. The core issue is how. Government has never figured that out well.

The causes of the high cost of healthcare, which I have spelled out, too, have likewise not been addressed per se by government or its intervention either. Government barely understands them and so cannot well address them.

Both issues leads to discussions of "to what extent," "for whom" and "for what purpose." Those question have not been well answered either. These issues have never been resolved, but Obamacare threw an answer on the table on "for whom."

"For everybody to have healthcare" which dummied down, as a practical matter, to "for as many as possible." That framework led to two other concerns: 2) the cost of healthcare for so many, and 2) is healthcare a universal right?

That is how jumbled our thinking is on these matters. Obviously, if extensive, full coverage healthcare cost nothing, government could give it to everyone. Same if it cost little and coverage was less than total. But neither is the case.

Worse, we wrestle with the issues of "how many" and "to what extent" without ever even addressing the problem of high healthcare cost and what can be done about it. If costs could be trimmed by 25%, obviously many more could be covered with better coverage for the same dollars. But no one is thinking this way or connecting the dots.

If costs were fully attacked and reduced, if markets were made to function better and not mostly fail, if coverage was tailored to just major medical with deductibles that would not bankrupt people, then the issue would become one of how much defense spending would we have to cut to have such healthcare for all OR by how much would taxes on the rich have to be raised to keep defense spending in tact and have such coverage for all OR some mix of the two.
Vessel Name: Altaira
Vessel Make/Model: A Fair Weather Mariner 39 is a fast (PHRF 132), heavily ballasted (43%), high-aspect (6:1), stiff, comfortable, offshore performance cruiser by Bob Perry that goes to wind well (30 deg w/ good headway) and is also good up and down the Beaufort scale.
Hailing Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ
Crew: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Kimball Corson: I am a 75 year old solo sailor, by choice. However, I did take on a personable, but high maintenance female kitten, now a full grown cat, named KiKiPoo when she is sweet, or KatKatPo after she has just killed something like a bird or bat. [...]
Although I was a lawyer and practiced law with good success for thirty years, creating significant new law, I never really believed in the law, the politics of law or in the over reaching self-interest of most lawyers I met. Too much exposure to Nietzsche and other good and seriously thoughtful [...]
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Who: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ