
Who: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ
09 April 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
10 March 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
10 March 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
09 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa

On Neoliberalism

22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
Kimball Corson
Most do not understand neoliberalism well.

Neoliberalism is an outgrowth of conventional social and economic liberalism of the 1970's or so, but it has gotten very greedy with much more of an economic focus. It lauds markets like libertarians but accepts Keynesianism and government, contrary to libertarians. It has crony capitalism as a feature. Government is to be fed off of by corporations where possible.

Neoliberalism's big economic focus is on greed, mega corporations and large profits. Deep states are a feature because they bear on all of those. It is the national offshoot of global capitalism. Wall Street and international banking are central features, with the world bank and the IMF being historical aspects. It has an international outlook, with curious colonial and mercantile overtones. It has become divorced from concerns about social justice, inequality and the economic welfare of the lower classes. Those matters have been left to the likes of Bernie Sanders.

Neoliberalism has pretty much the collective mind set of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation crossed with Goldman Sachs and it drops dollars on charity, mostly for the write offs when needed. It is immersed in current tax law and believes in corporate welfare. Corporate greed is its mainstay.

At a macro, international level, especially through the IMF and world bank, it has been wed to austerity principles which are being eased a bit now as recognizing they impede international development and profits.
Vessel Name: Altaira
Vessel Make/Model: A Fair Weather Mariner 39 is a fast (PHRF 132), heavily ballasted (43%), high-aspect (6:1), stiff, comfortable, offshore performance cruiser by Bob Perry that goes to wind well (30 deg w/ good headway) and is also good up and down the Beaufort scale.
Hailing Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ
Crew: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Kimball Corson: I am a 75 year old solo sailor, by choice. However, I did take on a personable, but high maintenance female kitten, now a full grown cat, named KiKiPoo when she is sweet, or KatKatPo after she has just killed something like a bird or bat. [...]
Although I was a lawyer and practiced law with good success for thirty years, creating significant new law, I never really believed in the law, the politics of law or in the over reaching self-interest of most lawyers I met. Too much exposure to Nietzsche and other good and seriously thoughtful [...]
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Who: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ