
Who: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ
09 April 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
10 March 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
10 March 2018 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
09 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa

The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Rise of Income Inequality (Part VI)

22 August 2017 | Pago Pago, American Samoa
Kimball Corson
X. Too few understand these matters, so CEOs are beyond the reach of the law

Few understand how big and powerful many corporations are. Some already have security forces that rival small armies, although such efforts are often contracted out, but they are small armies, nonetheless. They are giants in terms of size and resources, very often bigger in those regards than many countries.

And yet few understand that, set up as they are, corporations are island dictatorships under the fascistic control of one man, the CEO, whose word is law and not to be challenged. Worse than the captain of a ship. Boards are stuffed with CEO buddies and cronies and there is then no check on a CEO. Shareholders are usually too far removed and there are ways of buying them off too. Rising share prices usually does the trick and that too encourages share back programs. We have hugely powerful CEO dictators largely unchecked and out of control, looting and plundering in every direction including legislatures and monopoly market positions. Government is overwhelmed.

Few also understand the income inequality problem created by these CEOs. They think there is too few of them to matter. But that is not true. The 0.1% is basically CEOs, big bank owners (I have explained why they are rich) and inventors/venture capitalists who, when not engaged in fraud or mere coat tailing, actually do seriously contribute. It is a small group but has huge incomes. People don't get this well either.

Few understand that these CEOs are directly responsible for not only plundering their own companies for personal gain, but also plundering the public by the monopoly positions their companies acquire by hook or crook, to the point now where the issue is recognized by foreign nationals as being a major national US problem and we reluctantly agree and say something should be done. But we are overwhelmed and corporate money speaks loudly. We live in stall mode.

Too few understand too little to matter and the abuses grind on.
Vessel Name: Altaira
Vessel Make/Model: A Fair Weather Mariner 39 is a fast (PHRF 132), heavily ballasted (43%), high-aspect (6:1), stiff, comfortable, offshore performance cruiser by Bob Perry that goes to wind well (30 deg w/ good headway) and is also good up and down the Beaufort scale.
Hailing Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ
Crew: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Kimball Corson: I am a 75 year old solo sailor, by choice. However, I did take on a personable, but high maintenance female kitten, now a full grown cat, named KiKiPoo when she is sweet, or KatKatPo after she has just killed something like a bird or bat. [...]
Although I was a lawyer and practiced law with good success for thirty years, creating significant new law, I never really believed in the law, the politics of law or in the over reaching self-interest of most lawyers I met. Too much exposure to Nietzsche and other good and seriously thoughtful [...]
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Who: Kimball Corson. Text and Photos not disclaimed or that are obviously not mine are copyright (c) Kimball Corson 2004-2016
Port: Lake Pleasant, AZ