Georgetown 2
12 February 2015
Have been stuck here with cold fronts coming from the west every two days. The last one was rough, 25 to 30 gusting 35K.
Have also been waiting for some sail parts to come in by DHL Express. Maybe they make it today. Parts cost $26 but shipping was $75 on the U.S. side and probably around $45 on this end. Was due in three days but now on day seven.
Oh well, couldn't have left due to weather. Finally under 10K today.
Forward water tank empty. Must make six trips to town at 20g/trip. About a two mile round trip. Probably move boat closer to town to shorten trips.
Watched several boats drag anchors last few days. A very scary scenario. A boat behind me started dragging so he threw out a second anchor on a chain rode. That didn't hold so he got his wife to motor towards the anchor as he was hand retrieving the second anchor. The first anchor was already in the windless. It was scary in that he was very close to the lee shore. Had the boat gotten sideways to the wind they would have been on the rocks. I couldn't do anything but watch. The waves made it impossible to dingy over and help. Tense situation with a lot of yelling going on. Had to be a strong marriage.
Hopefully will stage behind Fowl Cay and head for Coception Island early tomorrow (if part arrives).
Will get Ruby to download more pictures today.