Carried Away

29 April 2015 | Simpson Bay Lagoon
16 April 2015 | Cruz Bay
13 April 2015 | St Thomas
11 April 2015
10 April 2015 | Dewey
07 April 2015 | PR
01 April 2015 | Salinas, PR
24 March 2015 | Ponce Yaucht Club
18 March 2015 | PR
13 March 2015
09 March 2015 | DR
20 February 2015
16 February 2015
14 February 2015
13 February 2015
12 February 2015
28 January 2015
26 January 2015


20 February 2015
Will try to fill in later. Left Georgetown then went to Coception then Rum Cay then here. This has been the first wifi available.

Had a rough three day passage to here. Was only 90 miles +/- but took three days of tacking. Weather got really windy and of course not in the right direction. You guys quit sending those cold fronts down here. We have had a front about every 2 days.

Coming over we lost our computer, just won't power up, refrigerator quit, camera quit and worse the engine died for lack of fuel. Either the fuel tank has a leak or perhaps the fuel pickup line has a hole in it. Will work on that tomorrow. Got the camera working again. Won't be able to send many pictures until we replace the computer. ( not likely out here). Maybe Luperon or Puerto Rico.

It sure was nice to get a full nights sleep. Ruby got sick once. Thought I was when jury rigging a siphon from a jerry can to the engine and priming it. That will be tomorrow's project to locate the problem.
Vessel Name: Carried Away
Vessel Make/Model: Beneteau 432 (Moorings 1989)
Hailing Port: Pensacola, FL
Crew: Stan Carver and Ruby Scarbough
Home Page: carriedaway

sv Carried Away

Who: Stan Carver and Ruby Scarbough
Port: Pensacola, FL