Spring is Sprung
26 April 2014 | Cartagena, Spain
Spring is sprung
The grass is riz
I wonder where
The boidies is.
From a limerick my old dad used to recite. Anyway, I think spring actually sprung here in Almerimar back in January although it's been slow to transition to summer.
Maria, the cruisers best friend here in Almerimar says that Spain is a cold country with a hot sun. Walking around or sitting in the cafes that's very clear. In the sun it's hot but as soon as you step into the shade or the breeze picks up a T shirt is not quite enough.
But not bad for April.
Anyway, after 6 months tied up in sunny Almerimar enjoying the social life, we said our goodbyes, untied and headed out to see what this years cruising will bring.
The plan is to head up to the Balearics, perhaps on the Corsica and Sardinia before heading out the Med, via Morocco, Madeira and the Canaries before joining the ARC in November for the Caribbean.
Three days into it we've anchored off the point of Cano de Gata; the point where Southern Spain turns north, marina'd in Garrucha and have now got as far as the cafes in Cartagena. All of is in clear blue skies and mostly 10-20 knots from astern.
If we can keep up the pace, we might make Soller in Majorca in time for the boat show. Just an idea. One so I can pursue my crazy thoughts of catamarans.
Flash fried tuna just hit the table so off for dinner. More in a few days.
Stuart & Anne
(With Pat and Huw)