Wild and Windy
10 November 2014 | Somewhere off the coast of Africa!?
Finally, we're out of Las Palmas and out into the wide blue yonder. Wide and a bit wild.
The ARC forecast guru said it would be blowing 20 knots at the start and when we hit the acceleration zone at the airport we would see 30 knots. As we quite like 30 knots from behind we headed for the airport, leaving the bulk of the fleet who mostly headed out to sea. We got our 30 knots and a bit more, gusting 35-40 with big rollers. The wind lasted much longer than the acceleration zone. In fact it lasted till about midnight so we had a great blast down the side of Gran Canaria and offshore regularly in double figures with a top speed from Huw of 12.8. We've 2 1/2 hours to go to our noon position and we've already tucked away 156 miles.
And the end of our spinnaker pole which got twisted and chomped sometime, probably when we were reefing in the dark. We've just stuck a snatch block at the end so we are back under full sail.
For the last week I've been drooling over the two new Outremer 51's and a couple of Catana 47's. Catamarans if you don't know the brand names. I've been getting tempted to the "dark side", the world with two hulls, so it was a bit disappointing when, three hours after the start, two passed just ahead and two astern. Given a blow, Time Bandit can really shift. To be fair to the owners the Outremers are fresh out the wrapper so the new owners probably weren't pushing as hard as us (me - must remember my "sail conservatively speech).
Everyone is settling in and getting to know the boat again and what buttons to press and what rope does what.
Its a beautiful day and we're hugging the African coast to try and stay in the fresher wind which is forecast to ease over the next few days. There's only two boats on the AIS and I suspect the fleet is on the direct route, further out to sea. We will find out at the 11:00 radio net.
That gives me 90 minutes for a kip so that's it for today.