Special K with carrots
11 November 2014
Whether by design or accident (we suspct the former) the veggie man in Las Palmas managed to increase fruit and veg order by a factor of between 2 and 10. If Anne said 2 please (limes) we got 2 KG. Anne therefore spent an afternoon on the pontoon, in her little hastily constructed vegetable stall selling her wares.
She always wanted to be in Eastenders!
Last night was interesting. For a while we thought our self steering was kaput as we were unable to hold a straight course. It was only on closer inspection we saw there's some wacky currents boiling around here. I suspect there's some sort of convergence zone as, within a few miles we had current of 1/2 to 1 knot from three different directions. Like the sound of Jura at flood.
However, in Palmas while looking at another Raymarine issue the engineer made some changes to the steering system which has definitely screwed it up. We therefore fired up the monitor vane and its been steering us straight as a die for the last 6 hours. Why I spent thousands on electronics is beyond me.
Sadly the wind died last night and. despite having said we wouldn't motor, the thought of losing our pre-paid events in Mindelo was the excuse we needed to motor for three hours. Fortunately the wind has picked up, not much, just 5-12 knots but enough to keep us moving.
There's not a cloud in the sky and the dolphins are around again. Eating all the fish apparently as we've not had a nibble.
Dinner from Mr D is on the way then the long 6-6 night. Brilliant stars and a few dolphins to keep us entertained albeit they keep eating my twa ton o' haddock!