Rock and Roll
25 November 2014
Its been a few years since we delivered Time Bandit from USA to Scotland but suddenly the memories of day after day of incessant rolling come rushing back.
We're having a good thrash in fresh easterlies making a good, consistent 7-8 knots. The breeze is bringing a long swell with the winds causing a cross wave pattern. The end result is a good fast sail but a rock and roll pattern we could do without, at least at night so we coild get some sleep.
However, 01:00 just now and Eric is snoring his head off so he's doing OK.
Yesterday we through a wobbly. After gybing (first in 700 miles), when re-setting the pole the topping lift slipped in its jammer. The pole collapsed into the water and in so doing pulled half a dozen bolts out the mast track. This of course happened right at the start of a 30 knot squall with driving rain and took an hour on the foredeck to sort out. It then took 5 hours of drilling and tapping to re-bolt and in the end its as good as new and we're back under way.
Still a complete absence of fishing success, mostly because we're going to fast. There's also very little wildlife arou d although some boats are reporting whale sightings. We keep scanning the waves but nothing so far.
The only point of real interest is in the southern night sky where an as yet unidentified star or planet shines all colours like a disco. Quite amazing. Unlike this blog. Time to go on watch to thank you and good night.