The Doldrums (figuratively speaking...)
02 January 2009
Linda / Sunny 72

Chris and I had a nice Christmas in Florida. We opened boxes of items we and spares for the boat. I never thought I would be excited over a hand pump, or a new winch. Chris poured through the cruising guides for the Caribbean and the Bahamas. Thanks to Mom & Dad for the Panera and Lowe's gift certificates, and to Lindy & Rich for the hand made boat sign, and the Ove-Glove!
We are bummed that we aren't underway yet. However, we are not letting the doldrums get us down. While we await parts, we are taking the time to complete our lists of things to do, those that are definitely necessary and those that are cosmetic. I spent the last few days cleaning cushions, Chris is repairing our swim step, re-installing the manual bilge pump, and fixing something called a heat exchanger on the engine. I am also responsible for cleaning the bilge, so although I do a really great job, it takes me a few hours ...what's the sense of rushing? The bilge is the area under the floor boards where the engine and other components are secured to the boat, and where all hoses and electricity run. It is also the place that collects water if we take on any or we get a leak somewhere. Since it's a place where the engine parts are it gets oily, greasy and grimy, and occasionally I find a bug carcass. (yuck!) I use rubber gloves a long handled brush and Dawn dishwashing detergent, along with a great grease cutter called Spray Nine. The best part of cleaning the bilge is I can do it while lying down! Hey... you gotta find the positive and optimism in every task!
Inlet Cove is quiet and the club house is very nice (see the pictures in the Photo Gallery). And, nothing beats a cold Corona at sunset on the deck of the boat after a day of work. Although I miss the beauty of a newly falling snow back home in Wisconsin, I don't miss the cold.
Heck 65 feels like freezing to me now!
Looking forward to reading your comments on our blog. Miss you all!