Family & Friends Visit
06 April 2009 | Inlet Cove Marina, Ponce Inlet, FL
Linda / Sunny, 76

I often say, the only time we take off of boat projects is when we get visitors. We had several days off since my last blog post. Pictures are posted in the Photo Gallery in the Family & Friends Album.
Our first visit was from Linda's Aunts (Dad's sisters) Barb, and Jeanne and husband, Kermit, on March 15. Two days later on March 17, Linda's childhood friend, Angie Vail and her husband, Larry visited. A tour of the boat and lot's of Q&A was followed by lunch at Inlet Harbor Restaurant, where the food is good and the atmosphere is tropical.
Linda' Mom, her sister Mary, and sister-in-law Louan visited for four days in April. (See picture with this blog, along with Uncle Carl. Thanks Pat for taking the pics!) Our vacation began with a trip to Sea World while we awaited their arrival. As it turned out, their flight scheduled to arrive at 10:30 pm, was delayed until 1:22 am. We turned lemons into lemonade taking advantage of the delay, and enjoyed cocktails at Downtown Disney! Although everyone was a bit tired on Friday we gave them a tour of the boat, and were joined for lunch at Inlet Harbor Restaurant by Uncle Carl and Aunt Pat Moore (who are now on their way north for the summer months.) The afternoon involved margaritas and beers while watching the sunset, followed by dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. Saturday was a true get-away day. We soaked up the sun and piƱa coladas at Daytona Beach Resort, and walked on the beach with all the spring breakers. Linda and Chris took a dip in the 102 degree Jacuzzi, too. Ahhhh. Sunday included lunch and shopping at Destination Dayton where the restaurants and shops are all Harley Davidson themed. In the afternoon, Mom and Linda took a scenic cruise along the Intracoastal Waterway, while Louan, Mary and Chris relaxed back at the boat. Monday was time to say goodbye, but not before spending the day at Universal Studios. The Simpson's simulator ride was hilarious!
Mom, Mary and Louan, Angie, Larry, Kermit, Jeanne, Barb, Carl and Pat... we love you and were so thrilled that you visited. We hope you had fun and enjoyed seeing Troubadour and experiencing our lifestyle!