A quick update
26 April 2009 | Inlet Cove Marine, Ponce Inlet, FL
Linda / 72
We are getting closer to going sailing. Some important things happened this week. We got the acrylic and Chris has cut it to size. This will fill the opening left by the skylight when the engine was replaced. The engine is running great with no leaks. It purrs! Linda has almost completed the stackpack. Chris and Linda have rigged the halyards (Chris went up the mast, Linda tended the line and pulled the halyards through the openings.) The instruments in the cockpit are nearly all re-wired and are being tested.
Please see the photo albums. Sometimes I update the pictures (most recent in front) before I write the blog.
We've been getting a lot of fresh fish lately! Red Snapper and Grouper. I'm getting better at cooking it.
Write comments! We love hearing from you and knowing you've viewed the blog!
All our love,
Chris & Linda