
Living the Dream

Who: Captain Chris May & Admiral Linda Moore
Port: Key Largo, Florida (But we're from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. " --Mark Twain
20 December 2011 | US Virgin Islands
03 October 2011 | Culebra, Puerto Rico
21 August 2011 | Ceiba, Puerto Rico
17 August 2011 | Roosevelt Roads Marina, Puerto Rico
24 June 2011 | Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico
13 June 2011 | Ponce, Puerto Rico
05 June 2011 | Boca Chica, DR
26 May 2011 | Ile a Vache, Haiti
21 May 2011 | Manzanillo Bay
14 May 2011 | Ocean World Marina
19 April 2011 | Sapodilla Bay, Provo, Turks & Caicos
13 April 2011 | Sapodilla Bay, Provo, Turks & Caicos
05 April 2011 | Sapodilla Bay, Provo, Turks & Caicos
30 March 2011 | Clarence Town, Long Island, Bahamas
28 March 2011 | Clarence Town, Long Island
21 March 2011 | Georgetown, Great Exuma
15 March 2011 | Georgetown, Great Exuma
13 February 2011 | Georgetown, Great Exuma
29 January 2011 | Georgetown, Great Exuma

Her Maiden Voyage!

09 May 2009 | Inlet Cove Marina, Inlet Harbor, Ponce Inlet Florida
Chris, 92, Sunny
Troubadour leaves the slip! We had been planning to leave for the day to go sailing, but as usual plans need to be flexible. The engine was reluctant to start this morning, so we decided we wouldn't risk being out after a day of sailing without enough juice to start the engine. Instead, we motored out to the fuel dock and got some diesel, then headed down the channel out to the ocean. It was a good checkout for the drivetrain, GPS, and radar. (See our voyage pictures in the "Shake downs!" Photo Album link in the Photo Gallery.)

Since the last blog entry, Linda has finished the stackpack. Chris went back up the mast to attach 2 blocks (pulleys for landlubbers) that run lines from the stackpack up to the mast. They are called "lazyjacks", and the idea is that instead of needing 3 people to fold the mainsail and put the cover on like when we were racing, one person can lower the sail and the lazyjacks keep it from blowing all over the place, allowing it to drop into the stackpack. We then zip up the bag and we're done. We'll let you know how it works. We also have a front piece that will wrap around the mast to protect the lines and winches that zips onto the stackpack. Linda is now planning lots of little projects for the rest of the Sunbrella, like a cover for our electronics box at the helm and some winch covers for the cockpit.

We are both identified as "Transportation Workers" now. Somewhere, someone decided that everyone holding a merchant mariner credential must need to have access to commercial ports, and since the new Transportation Worker ID card is required to access the commercial ports, we must need them, or be fined if we don't have them. We got to head down to Port Canaveral and pay for the privilege, although we got a $15 discount since we already paid the Coast Guard for our merchant marine credentials. Anyway, should we ever need access to the secure area of a commercial port, we're all set. The cards sort of look like a Navy common access card (CAC) with the little chip in it, but it's a different chip (And it doesn't have the cool Navy logo on the front).

The weather continues to be great, warm and sunny every day. The boat list is starting to dwindle as we knock off projects. We're looking forward to visits from family next week, and will be heading out again soon (after we get a new starting battery)!
Vessel Name: Troubadour - Beneteau Idylle 15.50
Vessel Make/Model: Beneteau Idylle 15.50
Hailing Port: Key Largo, Florida (But we're from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
Crew: Captain Chris May & Admiral Linda Moore
About: Chris and Linda chose early retirement from corporate "office space" and cubicle life at GE Healthcare in Waukesha, Wis., to pursue their dream of going "down island" to the Caribbean.
Our backgrounds: ***Linda is an insured PADI Divemaster and Master Scuba Diver. She is also a member of DAN the Divers Alert Network. She is trained as a Red Cross Emergency Responder; has completed the STCW BST (Basic Safety Training), and holds a USCG MMD (Ordinary Seaman). She has been sailing [...]

Living the Dream

Who: Captain Chris May & Admiral Linda Moore
Port: Key Largo, Florida (But we're from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. " --Mark Twain
"I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand; Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand. Life is good today, life is good today" -- "Toes" by the Zach Brown Band