ARC Tracking
I forgot to mention that everyone can follow us on the ARC fleet tracker. Go to the web page World Cruising Club and under the section "World Cruising Events", select ARC. That will open the page where at the left hand corner you see the link to Fleet Tracker". There are 2 True North's in the fleet but ours has two words while the other is one word (and from the UK).
Our predict wind tracker will also become active once we start moving tomorrow too, but the ARC tracker shows our position in relation to the rest of the group. There are some huge boats and there is a race class (with only 11 entries out of 150 boats). But believe me, there are many more than 11 boats "racing", as it really is true that when sailboats see another boat, it's always a race. Officially, we are in the cruising division.