One step nearer
25 March 2014 | Nelson
Today, after months of lists, preparations, lists, buying things, making things and more lists..we got our Cat 1 certificate (a safety inspection by NZ authorities which is required by law) , which allow us to leave NZ. It feels a bit strange now, not to be thinking about the next thing we need to do! There are still lots of things we need to do, but none of them will prevent us from setting sail!
I spent the morning baking and making soup, now all being frozen in preparation for heading off, but of course today's set back is that the fridge/freezer needs some work on it and as usual...they are not sure if they can get the parts, or the time frame...or the cost. However, we are now sure we meet all the safety requirements and can head off into the great blue yonder with confidence! Anyone want 6 freezer bags of leek and potato soup??