On our way!
01 April 2014 | Off Taranaki
Barbara / weather sunny with little wind
In range for a bit so will do a quick update. Wrote a longer piece and filed it somewhere.... Haven't yet found it again!
We are finally heading north. Left Nelson on Saturday lunchtime and headed up to Squally Cove the first night, through French Pass with some cracking sailing, to Whareata Bay on Durville Island. There we spent two nights sleeping, sorting and stowing...with a couple
of swims and a blue cod or two. Yesterday (Tuesday) we decided just to get going, despite light wind forecasts and came through Stephen's Passage and across a very benign Cook Strait. Sailed for a while, then motor sailed through the night in the company of a few fishing boats and a few gas platforms! Beautiful sunny day today again and now motoring past Mt Taranaki, a distinctive volcano, heading for New Plymouth, where we hope to pick up some more fuel and a bit more wind!! Both very happy to be at sea and heading in the right direction. Watches worked out well, with both of us getting a good sleep and we are eating like kings! Will try and put some photos up soon