Tudora`s Travels

06 September 2011 | Soverign Harbour, Eastbourne
25 August 2011 | Same
25 August 2011 | As before
25 August 2011 | Boulogne
24 July 2011 | 50 02.17N 03 41.25E
20 July 2011 | Lier
06 July 2011 | Same
06 July 2011 | Same
06 July 2011 | 50 15.29N 04 54.85E
10 June 2011 | Same
10 June 2011 | Same
10 June 2011 | Same
10 June 2011 | 40 11.79N 004 08.27E
03 June 2011 | Same
03 June 2011 | 40 02.60N 003 58.21E
17 May 2011 | 40 49.87N 002 29.40E
12 May 2011 | 49 01.48N 002 03.62E
12 May 2011
01 May 2011 | 49 29.29N 000 05.63E
24 April 2011 | As before


03 June 2011 | Same
Sorry the internet connection went wrong. Any way if anybody is following, as we gather Cairngorne may be, make sure you fill up in Paris because there is no filling facility between Paris and Epernay. We are waiting for a road tanker to deliver this afternoon which should see us through to Bruxells.
Had a small adventure with the Port engine on leaving Chateau Thierry, it stopped !!?? in mid river so we returned to the pontoon with dire thaughts of what was wrong. It took half an hour to discover I had inadvertinetly turned off the fule when filling with a can the day before !!
Sorry about thr pic of the Eifel Tower, it fell over as we arrived.
Thats all for now. More from Reims.
Vessel Name: Tudora
Vessel Make/Model: Rampart 48
Hailing Port: Falmouth
Crew: Jeremy and Patricia Pearce

Tudora`s Travels

Who: Jeremy and Patricia Pearce
Port: Falmouth