The River Meuse. Belgium.
06 July 2011 | 50 15.29N 04 54.85E
Very hot. Slight rain at night. 25-30c.
The last blog we did was back in June when we where still on the Marne Canal. We are now on the Meuse or Mass as the Belgiums call it. That journey has taken us through 29 locks in one day (Phew !!) and 100s of Kilom of forest called the Ardenns. It is without doubt some of the most beautiful countryside we have ever seen. The canal eventually turns into the River Meuse at a place called Pont a Bar, still in France. We crossed the border between Givet and Walsort. No formalaties and a very prity lock.
Our intention is to moove on to Lieage, we are not going to Brussels because there is a closed section of canal. Hope you enjoy the few pics.