Tudora`s Travels

06 September 2011 | Soverign Harbour, Eastbourne
25 August 2011 | Same
25 August 2011 | As before
25 August 2011 | Boulogne
24 July 2011 | 50 02.17N 03 41.25E
20 July 2011 | Lier
06 July 2011 | Same
06 July 2011 | Same
06 July 2011 | 50 15.29N 04 54.85E
10 June 2011 | Same
10 June 2011 | Same
10 June 2011 | Same
10 June 2011 | 40 11.79N 004 08.27E
03 June 2011 | Same
03 June 2011 | 40 02.60N 003 58.21E
17 May 2011 | 40 49.87N 002 29.40E
12 May 2011 | 49 01.48N 002 03.62E
12 May 2011
01 May 2011 | 49 29.29N 000 05.63E
24 April 2011 | As before

On The Nethe Canal

20 July 2011 | Lier
Changable with rain and cloud. Some wind.
As you can see we have mooved on a long way from the River Meuse now. Most of the journey on the final part of the Meuse was quite industrial but still interesting. The main change came at the junction between The Meuse and The Albert Canal, one of the principale canals in Belgium, it is massive, we where going to Maastricht but the last lock before was 13Mtr deep and had 8-10 of some of the biggest barges we have seen. 150-170 Mtr long and up to 2000 tons, waiting to enter so we decided to keep going on the Albert.
We came off the Albert on to some much smaller canals with quite unpronounsable names but prity country side and very flat.
Our next destination of any note is Gent in the next few days.
Vessel Name: Tudora
Vessel Make/Model: Rampart 48
Hailing Port: Falmouth
Crew: Jeremy and Patricia Pearce

Tudora`s Travels

Who: Jeremy and Patricia Pearce
Port: Falmouth