First Day of Sailing School
27 August 2010 | Charleston, SC
First Mate Cat
We arrived in Charleston, SC last night to attend sailing school for the next 10 days! Basic Keel Boat I and II and then Cruising class.
We arrived at the docks at 10:00 a.m. and was introduced to our instructor, Andrew. The boat we are sailing is a 26 ft day sail, sloop. After a few minutes of reviewing parts of the boat, we donned on our life jackets (PFD), pulled on our sailing gloves, tossed our bags on board and released the dock lines and we were underway. Andrew started the small engine so that we could motor out of the marina.
We spent the day going up and down the river and then out into Charleston Harbour learning how to tack and jibe. We learned the difference in a controlled and uncontrolled jibe, partly by doing an uncontrolled accidently. It was a cloudy day, but we did manage to have a nice breeze and it wasn't so hot.
So I have managed to become more comfortable with leaning on a motorcycle after riding on the back of Gary's for 20 years. But now I've got to get used to "healing" on a sail boat! While we were underway, Gary had the boat healing at 35 degrees! I felt like I was going to slide off the boat!
We had a lovely first day! We learned a lot, had lots of fun and ended the day with a dinner and spicey Bloody Marys at Hyman's Seafood. We are both tired and ready for bed and day 2 of Basic Keel Boat I class tomorrow!
A New Adventure
24 August 2010 | Ponce Inlet
First Mate Cat
You want to buy a what? A sail boat. And sail to where? The world. But we've always been power boaters. Well, let's do something new! And so we are.
Our new adventure begins! The mad seaman and I, his first mate, will start with sailing classes in Charleston this week. Nine days of basic keelboat sailing, coastal cruising and coastal navigation. We both grew up on boats and have owned a few power boats and cruised up and down the Southeast Atlantic coast, so boating isn't new to us. But sailing will be a different challenge. We are looking forward to our classes and learning how to sail!
You want to live on the boat for a year? Yes, can you handle 13 ft by 50 ft living quarters with me and the cat? Well......I guess I'm going to find out.