Njord's Adventures

Getting ready for the sale survey in Marina di Ragusa yard, April 17 2023

27 December 2023
Clare Harrison
We have found great new owners for Njord and we will be passing her on to her new owners on May 1, 2023.

We have had the most amazing seasons sailing her in the UK from June 2012 and then from May 2014 in the Med until April 2023; 11 fabulous years of Njord’s glorious adventures

Njord in Porto Turistico 2023

27 December 2023
Clare Harrison
Final happy days for us with Njord in the Med.

A fabulous yacht for our Med Adventures

Njord in Marina di Ragusa 2023

27 December 2023
Clare Harrison

January 2022 - Marina di Ragusa

26 February 2022 | Marina di Ragusa
The year has started off with very cool evenings and cold overnight, the days very windy but with some beautiful sunny days. This weather is somewhat different to the previous winters we have spent here, but then the weather in the UK and rest of Europe has been unusual too.

This photograph was taken mid January on our pontoon by Njord. I managed to do my yoga practice this particular day here as there was no wind at all, beautiful.

Sunset over Porto Turistico

25 February 2022
Clare Harrison

Fleet Street towards St. Paul’s London 2022

25 February 2022
Clare Harrison
Vessel Name: Njord of London
Vessel Make/Model: Malo 39 Classic
Crew: Vic Farhi & Clare Harrison
About: Learnt to sail together and the first sailing experience was in Lanzarote in 2005. We then bought Mandarin, a Bavaria 39 and in June 2012 bought Njord, a Malo 39 from the Baltic.
Extra: As attributed to Mark Twain: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bow lines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Njord of London's Photos - Peloponnese
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Monument to the Battle of Navarino in the bay opposite Pilos
Monument to the Battle of Navarino in the bay opposite Pilos
Added 8 September 2017