30 November 2009 | PIER 32 MARINA SAN DIEGO

Eureka!....the coveted Mexican Fishing License!!!!! Man, you have no idea what HELL I went through to get this thing!! You see, If a boat is boarded in Mexican waters even if "just" over the international line....and you don't have one of these....but have even ONE fishing hook on board, word has's all over for you and the boat. Just in case, I wanted to be safe especially since Dad loaded me up with all the sweetest tackle we could find in Seattle. Look out TUNA, here comes the Lawnboy!!! Feels good to finally be legal. Only took 4 different stops and tons of wrong turns with the rental car to find the ultimate takle shop that actually had these in stock!!! now you know what the smile is all about! (and the great steak I just BBQ'D on the boat!) Now chasing the top shelf flesh with a double stuffed MINT oreo! Have you ever seen such a pregnant cookie before? I saw these at Von's (cali's safeway) and just had to have them. I lie, I've had 4 and won't stop until an entire row is gone....remember....I'm on vacation!
So here's the update. I haven't written since the plane for a good reason. I like to be upbeat and positive. there have been too many blog entries about the trials and challenges. It's all part of it, I know, that being said I still like to be Mary Friggin Sunshine! When I arrived here, something BIG was wrong.
All the planning, research, talking with vendors, sending out checks, thinking I was one above any possible conflicts of "well it worked when I called you..." I brang to life my Nav Equipment for the first time since I left...guess what??? NO POSITION DATA!!!! Of course for a cruising boat, this is kind of a really big deal.
It was Sunday, I let the smoke rising from the top of my bald head cool off, and just did other stuff until Monday morning rolled around. Called the contractor who did the ARPA installation for me while gone. To their credit, Kenny the tech was onboard in less than an hour. Now, that's customer service! We collectively figured it out (read, me with flashlight and totally worthless insight) and him with, "yeah, bud...we could check that out."
About a few hours later we figured out a VERY expensive sensor went out and needed to be replaced. Well, plugged it in and off I go. I guess the price you pay for all the techie stuff on the boat.
Spent the rest of the day doing errands and finally getting the fish lic, new dive gear, some sweet charts and books and a multitude of other boring stuff that needs not to be discussed.
Tomorrow is oil change day, wash down, one more store run, return rental car, plot course to Ensenada, go over massive amounts of notes, drink lots of water, eat good, do laundry, stow anything that could end up on the deck...and pretend to get a good nights sleep.
I am finally setting a departure: Wednesday at 7am. Here we go blog fans!