06 December 2009 | 25 miles off Santo Domingo
Captn Lawnboy

After checking in with both net controllers this morning I thought it would be a good time to do a couple of laps around the deck to check things out. Just as I put one foot over the cockpit combing and stepped out...SQUUUUIISH! What the heck? it's a little squid!! poor little feller must have really needed a break to jump that high out of the water for a pit stop! Oh! Look!! Another one...and another one! 3 in all. I peeled them off my clean decks and hucked them overboard after closely examining their bodies. It's funny, they ink'd themselves enough to leave a perfect shadow of goo on the exact spot they were laying! I'd probably "ink" myself too if I ended up on a strange surface like my deck....poor little guys. Maybe I should have used them for bait cause I'm sure not catching squat so far with my tuna plug.
I haven't had to touch my sail in 2 days! I've just been ghosting along at about 3 or 4 knots, fine with me....not in a hurry, quite a concept for me. I will say though that the weather guy on CHUBASCO Net is threatening some pretty ugly stuff coming my way from south. Evidently, in the Gulf of T-Pec south of us now...a gale is brewing. Winds are supposed to reach in excess of 35-45 mph and it's headed right for me. For the next 48 hours the winds will build but nobody knows how much by the time it gets this far north....and direction is switching to SOUTHERLY...which means I'm going to be pounding right into it...YUK! Hey, at least it's not a hurricane! I've prep'd the boat and myself for the excitement. I just hope it waits until morning.
So, after a nice lunch of leftover pasta and my last few spears of asparagus, I had a wonderful HOT shower and shaved head and face...I'm squeaky clean now Mom! It just seemed fitting to park it in the cockpit with my next novel, some sunscreen and a cold beer. I did just that for about 3 is rough on the high seas. It's now pitch black and the rollers are starting to get bigger. I'm anticipating a rough night ahead.
So to all my fans, If you don't see a blog entry for a couple days, it's just too damned rough to type on this little netbook computer. I'll do my best to keep you all informed as things unravel out here. Hopefully it ends up being nothing.
My current position is: 27.15.36 N X 115.02.85 W I'm 25 miles outside of Santo Domingo. winds are north at 15, seas 5'