07 December 2009 | 250 miles away from Casbo!
Captn Lawnboy

Real live Dolphins! 2 big ones were jumping around and dive bombing my bow! Of course I had to run up there and give the big "WHHHEW HEEEEW!" several times. The more I yelled and laughed the more they crossed back and forth twisting and swimming sideways looking up at me. The biggest one had scars all over his head and back, no doubt got a little to close to a prop or something. It was the excitement of the day.
Some of you must be praying for me, the ugly low that I was afraid of spun itself out farther up north. Cedros Island just got hammered and I was there just 2 days ago! I've been enjoying 15-20 kt winds and pounding along at about 5-6 kts all day with some bursts to 7 kts! I'm making up for some lost time for sure. I did eat one of those previously prepared ham sammies anyway, already getting soggy! It's getting warmer by the day, about 67 today. Its been an incredible day of sailing, stuff I dreamed about for 10 years!
The cruise ship "Constellation" just passed me going south with a new load of untanned, freshly packed touristas headed to Cabo....that was a quick turnaround. He was the guy I told you honked at me a couple days back going North. With all the sun and wind, my batteries are topped up again. I heard Lawnboy Cinemas is offering a double bill tonight in the aft cabin...think I'll get there early for a good seat!!
This morning I got a violation warning for the second time from sailmail. I think they are warning me to keep it shorter while linked up. So for those of you emailing me, and this blog entry stuff...I need to keep it a little shorter until I find out exactly what's up. Don't want to get cut off from the world!
The Chubasco Net and Baja Net are becoming friends now, great weather updates!
All for now