09 December 2009 | 35nm outside Mag Bay...
Captn Lawnboy

ok, I said it! Last night for the first time, my paranoia got to me. I was kicked back watching a movie, went topsides to look around (usually every 20-30 min) and saw this massively bright "thing" off my starboard bow. It looked like and oil rig, but...what the heck? Here?? No way!! So I started tracking it on the radar with the trailing function. I was on a dead on collision course with this UFO. I swear to Mary, I had no idea what kind of ship it was. was following me! First I tacked, ran away a couple miles to avoid any conflict. No answer to my hail on ch 16. Is it a Mexican Navy ship? Why is this jerk correcting his course to keep coming at me?? Winds were up to 20 kts, not so easy to keep screwing around with my course. Finally I could make out it was indeed a ship, with lots of UFO lights on. So bright I couldn't see his nav lights to confirm what I was following on Radar.
The blood is pumping now. I go into overdrive...where's my passport? Where's my bear pepper spray, where's my flare gun? Found it all in 10 milliseconds. After staging all my weapons at the ready, I donned my life jacket, slung the EPIRB around my neck...I was prepared for battle. As I was praying to god that I would still get the chance to sip cold fruity drinks by the pool with my parents.....I noticed some strobe lights flashing about 1 mile away. Could this guy be fishing? Is it a long line or something.....CRAP! If he's longline are there others out here? Then, as I was ready to freak out in worry of hitting some unlit line or buoy, he turned away...and left the horizon. Then...2 more show up on the radar screen. My alarms aren't working...what in the world is going on?? Am I going bonkers? Needless to say, I'm still here, I'm ok, and such a sap for doubting myself. It was all under control....but when I did start up the engine to get away from my would be interrogators from another planet.....funny noise and funny smell below.....UH OOOOH!!!!....Tick tick tick tick tick....burning rubber belt is about to explode in a million pieces!
So today's project is replacing the alternator belt...not fun in 10' seas and 15-20 kts of wind....listen to me complain. I'm alive, nobody beamed me up to a space ship for further testing....and I've had 2 cups of coffee today....YIKES!
Highlight of the morning after the Chubasco Net check in? CONTACT! I actually carried on a conversation with my friends Scott & Monica on s/v Scott Free from Everett! They are in La Paz!! We agreed to hook up again tomorrow morning on 7294 Khz at 0820.
I must admit, I do like my private/quiet time. I have no problem being alone at's kinda cool, just me and the big blue. Truth be told, I'd be lost without emails and blogging and the SSB radio. Connectivity Rocks!!
all for now, its 0900 your time, 1000 my time on 12/9/09. sea state: 6-10' swells outa the n/nw winds 15-20 kts
can you say KILLER SAILING?!??? Today is my 8th day at sea...I've only burned about 17 gallons of fuel, I hold 100 gallons total. Unreal sailing!!