Livin the Dream!!

07 February 2025
05 February 2025 | Zihuatanejo
31 January 2025
20 January 2025
19 January 2025
03 January 2025
23 December 2024 | tied to the dock in La Cruz
13 December 2024 | Marina La Cruz
25 March 2024
19 March 2024 | Tenacatita
13 March 2024
13 March 2024
03 March 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024 | day 2

Update time...

11 December 2009 | anchored in CABO!!
Captn Lawnboy
Hello All! Been a couple of days since my last posting...see what land life does to a sailor?!?? So here's the happenins of the last couple days. Arrived here in Cabo 12/10 after dark. Good thing it's a big harbor and that I've been here before...otherwise I would have had to lay offshore till daylight. I couldn't find the mooring field, so just dumped the anchor in 25' of the most beautiful clear water EVER! to me is a large yacht from the mid west and several sailboats. My cousins and aunt & uncle are here (the Overholts) and waiting for me at Romeo & Julietta's (where the hell is that?), so I go into overdrive getting all the ground tackle situated and prepare to launch the dink. Keep in mind, I'm in a rolly, pitching harbor with little protection from the sea. Got the dink down to the water, then lowered the 20hp honda down next. Everything is moving around, nothing is easy! Just as motor got down to the dingy...SNAP! the left side of the harness slipped off, I almost donated my $3500.00 outboard to Davey Jones' Locker!! I lept down into the dink and manhandled the damn thing to the transom quicker than you could say..."What the heck were you thinking Lawnboy?!??"

Locked up the boat and headed to shore (the marina) looking for a place to dock. Of course, nothing looked familiar, I was exhausted AND starving to death. First place I went in had a locked gate...this won't work. walked back to the dingy and started her up, put it in gear..."CLUNK!" I'm thinking...WHAT NOW?? Bridle slipped off the engine and got sucked up into the prop!..No flashlight, no knife, no tools. It was wound up tight as a guitar string for sure. 20 min later I had it out, now I'm really starving...and ticked that I now have no bridle to raise the motor back on to the boat...And I'm late for dinner. Finally found a place to land next to the boat ramp, a uniformed guy from the hotel allowed me to park there...and I was off to find Romeo's. I walked clear to the other side of town...which is where I landed in the first place!

Walked into Romeo's and there was my family...or Familia in spanglish. Uncle Larry, Aunt Joan, Debbie, Tammy, Wendy and little Mattie. How weird is that?!?? They are on a vacation and I'm just passing through! Well, we laughed, ate, drank (the warm up) then the girls & I headed out on the town while Uncle & Aunt held Matt hostage at the condo. Our first stop was this little hole in the wall armpit of a bar, 5 stools, one counter and GREAT Tequilla. Deb & I had god knows how many shots and a couple of Dos XX brewskis then we were all off to the next victim. Hit one more little open air bar, then off to Cabo Wabo to shake it for a while. (Oh..and more drinks)...we danced for hours and laughed (probably mostly at my dancing) I made friends with strangers on the dance floor...then we left for the next place....Squid Row. More pounding music...and pounding was like..3am and I was done....Baked!. I went outside for some fresh air, which was really funny considering it was an open air club (no roof!!) and left for home..sorry for not saying goodbye guys!...after wandering the streets of Cabo for an hour and a half, I finally found my dingy (COME ON GUYS....I DIDN'T HAVE THAT MUCH TO DRINK)..and of course the damned gate was locked, and nobody around to let me in. So in all my wisdom, I decided to jump over from the concrete pier next to the dock...about 9' down. Thank god I was...well...relaxed. I did make it home to the boat without a scratch...nightie night for me.

Next day I woke up to some panga dude yelling through my porthole...."senior..there's a lady on the beach want's to see you!" First thing pops in my mind is: "Good Lord...what did I do last night?!??" Thank goodness it was Debbie, my cousin...we had made plans to go snorkeling out at lovers beach...which OF COURSE I totally remember committing to last night!...So panga dude brought Deb, Tam & Mattie out to me. They gave me an offering of cold pizza (just what the DR. ordered) and I began to rehydrate. Snorkel gear loaded, we jetted off to the beach by the arch (famous spot), landed in the surge, pulled the dink up on the beach with the help of a few mexicans who then demanded a tip...and went about our day. The water was awesome, fish everywhere and WARM!! After snorkeling, Mattie & I pretended to be cliffhangers and climbed all over the rocks on the Pacific side of the beach. We had a blast while Deb & Tam relaxed on the beach. Damn kid wore me out!

After all that fun, we came back to the boat, left my dingy and caught a water taxi ashore. They took me back to their incredible complex via tour bus shuttle to watch the sunset from their infinity pool on top of the world in Cabo. This place...Pueblo Bonito is BOMBER!! Nicest complex I have ever been to. We had a couple rounds of cold beer from the swim up bar...(just trying to re-hydrate) and watched the killer sunset from atop the mountain, in a 80 degree edgeless pool...I really miss home....(read, NOT!) After the sunset we hitched a ride in a golf cart back to their room...this whole complex is built on a mountainside and very steep.

We had room service and leftovers and a few more beverages. Had a great visit with my Aunt & Uncle who are fully retired now and enjoying life for sure. I have pics, will post later. Last shuttle left at 10pm so I had to go. They left today for home. On way back to town I chatted it up with a couple of young 25 year old girlies who were both full fledged Pharmacists! Hard to believe at that young. They were all amped up to go out on the town so i filled them in on my "Lawnboy's Best Bets for meeting young men" and off they went. I made it down to the was deserted! No water taxi's running, nothing. there were a bunch of younger people hanging out at the palapa dead out from my boat that were on their 10th bottle of wine. They invited me to sit, and drink, and I said ok....what? you think I'm stupid?!?? Since I was stranded, might as well hang out for a while. I eventually broke down and rented a hotel room for the night. my room....yeah, get this....end suite, big deck, ocean view....dead on straight out is Wades Aweigh!! I just looked at her and said, "Sorry ol girl...get there in the am"...I slept like a log.

Now I'm back and have to figure out how to get my outboard back on board the boat!! All for now, this is gonna be a long download. May leave for PV today.
Vessel Name: wades aweigh
Vessel Make/Model: 1974 Irwin 37
Hailing Port: anacortes, wa
Crew: Captain Lawnboy!
About: Me? well, retired pseudo landscaper turned worldsailor and adventure junkieā€¦.chasing new horizons one ocean at a time
Extra: I bought the boat from mom & dad in 1999 and have been restoring her to current glory ever since. It's a work in progress. This blog is an accounting of my travels raw and uncut.
wades aweigh's Photos - Main
20 Photos
Created 3 March 2024
misc pics of the trip so far!!!
68 Photos
Created 27 December 2010
misc stuff
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Created 26 December 2009
From Everett to San Diego in 2 weeks
6 Photos
Created 23 September 2009
Thanks for taking time to look up my blog! You are now on board with the COOLEST dream EVER!!