Livin the Dream!!

07 February 2025
05 February 2025 | Zihuatanejo
31 January 2025
20 January 2025
19 January 2025
03 January 2025
23 December 2024 | tied to the dock in La Cruz
13 December 2024 | Marina La Cruz
25 March 2024
19 March 2024 | Tenacatita
13 March 2024
13 March 2024
03 March 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024 | day 2

No room at the Inn...

16 December 2009 | La Cruz, outside PV BABY!!!!
Captn Lawnboy
Hello All!. I am here, safe at anchor....what a past couple of days! Last entry was "BOOBIES" and seas went downhill from there. By sundown no way in hell I could have stood on the foredeck even with a harness on. Let me give you the cliff-notes version best I can. First off I am here in La Cruz harbor which is just a few miles from PV at Paradise Marina my ultimate destination, but got here too late to get in. Today was the BANNER sea-life day. I saw literally hundreds of pelicans, 4 or 5 different pods of dolphins around the boat, MASSIVE whales breaching around me, Boobies, Sea Birds...another huge strike on rod, fought for 15 minutes and lost it...and a little tiny really tired bird who took my dinghy and remodeled into it's own condo Guano and all!!...he/she is now departed and left behind this landlord's worst nightmare....yeah, how could such a little bird crap SO much in two days?!??... I digress.

Let me paint a picture....a day into my crossing, I saw this HUGE low moving around blasting the high inland. Skies darkened, then the first onslaught of wind...then the seas started to build. As the low built and the Santa Anna's started pumping inland...the winds backed around and now my comfortable sail became 18-25 knots dead East....that means, my world just got tilted on it's ear. I'm HARD on the wind, just below a luff, adjusting my rumb line to make it to my waypoint but not luffing the sails and creating issues in my world....translation? Boat is healed over at 30 degrees in big seas of at least 10-15'. You cant open the fridge, cupboards or anything that's uphill. I ate food bars and drank water...and called it good. Picture trying to make coffee or a sandwich in your kitchen all the while some big crane has lifted your house up off its foundation and tilted it so far you can't hardly stand up without holding on to something....Yeah, 3 days of that shit!! Truth be told, I was doubting my decision to leave Cabo and lack of believing the weather guy. Lesson learned...hard won landfall for sure!....NOW, sleeping? Yeah, right. Never mind the ARPA and AIS crapped out again (my failsafe electronics to set alarms so I can sleep), having to set a friggin egg timer every 20 minutes to check the horizon for ships...and that 30 degrees I told you about? imagine trying to sleep at such an angle?? Well, I set up shop on the downhill side of the boat, put pillows against the wall and anchored my lardass against it...digging one foot between the mattress and deck, other arm and hand anchored along wall and said mattress...looking something like a Gecko on a wall....keeps you low and minimizes movement...thanks Dad for that lesson. Needless to say, a few nights of that and you get a little rummy!

Well, the boat held up beautifully and this captain got another notch in his belt buckle. I wouldn't trade it for the world. As I made landfall and sheeted out the headsail , I turned downwind and the boat just smoked toward the anchorage...let out that caveman "AAAARRRGGHH" my world is right again. I'm caught up on my emails, and now all you fine folks know where I've been for a couple days. By the way, my bow is white with Boobie Pooh, little bastards.....

I'm gonna sleep like a friggin LOG tonight!!! Looking forward to getting WIFI and reading your comments and uploading some pics for y'all.

it's now 835pm on 12/16, this captains toast!!
Vessel Name: wades aweigh
Vessel Make/Model: 1974 Irwin 37
Hailing Port: anacortes, wa
Crew: Captain Lawnboy!
About: Me? well, retired pseudo landscaper turned worldsailor and adventure junkieā€¦.chasing new horizons one ocean at a time
Extra: I bought the boat from mom & dad in 1999 and have been restoring her to current glory ever since. It's a work in progress. This blog is an accounting of my travels raw and uncut.
wades aweigh's Photos - Main
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Created 3 March 2024
misc pics of the trip so far!!!
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Created 27 December 2010
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Created 26 December 2009
From Everett to San Diego in 2 weeks
6 Photos
Created 23 September 2009
Thanks for taking time to look up my blog! You are now on board with the COOLEST dream EVER!!