Livin the Dream!!

07 February 2025
05 February 2025 | Zihuatanejo
31 January 2025
20 January 2025
19 January 2025
03 January 2025
23 December 2024 | tied to the dock in La Cruz
13 December 2024 | Marina La Cruz
25 March 2024
19 March 2024 | Tenacatita
13 March 2024
13 March 2024
03 March 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024
28 February 2024 | day 2

Bus ride to the big city!

19 December 2009 | dock
Captn Lawnboy
Yesterday my adopted dock family & I hooked a bus to town for Mexican Cellies and possible WIFI connection service. The ride in was a hoot. Bus drivers don't slow down for anything and come WAY close to other busses, cars and pedestrians! PV is quite beautiful, green, palms, jungles etc. I could live here easy. We went to a really nice and clean mall, marble floors (or slate?) complete with air conditioning and a starbucks!!..Phil & I went into the Telcel office which had at least 15 reps working behind the was HUGE!....get this...NOBODY spoke english!..we finally gave up and went next door to the "Moviestar" store and immediately got helped by a local guy who spoke above average english. He was very well kept, nice glasses and perfect hair and girl-like skin...soft spoken and "lisped" a know where I'm going with this....

after a very long hour or more...we both parachuted out of there with basic cheapo phones ($16.00US) and prepaid for credits ($20.00US) to get 43 calls to the US that could be up to 30 MINUTES EACH!!!! Talk about cheap cheap cheap! Only can call land lines though. So now we can keep in touch with Mom in all major ports other than email. As we left...I'm griping because I'm starving and the kids seconded the motion, so we made a dog leg left and plopped down in a table at CHILIES! Can you believe that one? Never been to one in the states, so go to an american/mexican place in Mexico! It was ok...

Next stop, Wal Mart. Now, know that I really can't stand that place. they wanted to look for some stuff for the kids and I needed a backup set of sheets. In a couple minutes I had said sheets in hand (full set...$10.00) and proceeded to wait in line as 3 different locals just cut straight in front of me without any indication of understanding my best spanish....and just ignored me. "Senore...La Lina esta aqui!...No AYA!" (the line is here...not there!) Well, my lame ass spanish got me nowhere but a few looks and giggles from the girls behind of course I engaged with them and the time passed quicker.

As I waited for my extended family out front in 85 degree heat (I know...poor me) I tried to call home. Guess what? Phone no workie! So BACK to the store we went and got if figured out....better then than later, it's all good in paradise man. Made a couple of calls to family and friends when back at the boat, then Mary Lou & Ryan & I went up to the club to FINALLY boot up to WIFI. Downloaded a few pic's for ya'al and checked my "other" email to the tune of 166 messages.....ugh. Back to the boat we went and proceeded to prep for the Chili-Mac/movie extravaganza.

A few minutes later Ryan started passing stuff through my portholes. 3 cans chili, 3 boxes mac & cheese (2 of mine) AND a frosty cold beverage for the cook from the chili-mac master Phil (old boyscout recipe) I hooked the kids up in back with "Nacho Libre" on the flat screen with some pillows and they were in heaven...specially when I offered to shut the door as our music may disturb them....I'm such a giver-

Us Old's rocked out to Michael Buble' drank a pitcher of Marguritas and told war stories. The chili mac rocked! I invited Bill on board as he passed by on his way to the showers...shoved a gaping mouthfull of mac at him and a drink....again....such a giver, huh?...after dishes were done, I left those 3 at the table to talk and went back with the kids to watch "Transformers"...we made it to half way then it was bed time...of course I was pleading with the kids..."ooohhhh MOOOMMMMMMM" I got a time out-

That was my day folks, it's 0830 now, sun is out (again) and I'm bare footed and in shorts. Dad gets here sans Mom at 1600 hours. Mom had some issues to tend to, she won't be coming down....I can't tell you how bummed out I am about is life. Maybe next season Mom?

I'm going out to breakfast today for the fist time since I left home.....mmmmmm, eggs and WIFI, life is GOODY GOOD GOOD!!!
Vessel Name: wades aweigh
Vessel Make/Model: 1974 Irwin 37
Hailing Port: anacortes, wa
Crew: Captain Lawnboy!
About: Me? well, retired pseudo landscaper turned worldsailor and adventure junkieā€¦.chasing new horizons one ocean at a time
Extra: I bought the boat from mom & dad in 1999 and have been restoring her to current glory ever since. It's a work in progress. This blog is an accounting of my travels raw and uncut.
wades aweigh's Photos - Main
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Created 3 March 2024
misc pics of the trip so far!!!
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Created 27 December 2010
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Created 26 December 2009
From Everett to San Diego in 2 weeks
6 Photos
Created 23 September 2009
Thanks for taking time to look up my blog! You are now on board with the COOLEST dream EVER!!