Goodbye Ensenada, It’s been GREAT!
16 January 2024 | ensenada
Brian Wade | sunny, 70 degrees!
It was a super cool, motorsail from SD to Ensenada. Left dock at 0615, no parade, no marching band…just silently slipped away after the previous evening of a few dock pals stopping by to say goodbye (thanks Michaela, needed my Maverick loves..and pets & licks :) Jim & Carl, Ryan & John, gonna miss you guys! Did the normal duck & dodge of fishing boats, long lines & 12 oil tankers anchored offshore waiting to either offload or bring on fossil fuels. Finally made the Harbor at 1030pm barely making it to the fuel dock (2 tries) due to massive surge and current with wind…no bueno, but I made it happen, didn’t even get dock lines on before security was yelling at me to NOT tie here…spanglish at hand, calmed him down and said I had permission.
Next morning fueled up boat and jerry cans, checked in with marina office and met the ladies I’ve been emailing for several months now, got slip assignment and backed Wades Aweigh away from fuel dock, around a concrete piling and into the fairway…yes, I was JACKED! Never been able to steer in reverse before! (thanks Howard for urging me to drop the coin for a Max-Prop!!). Sort of dorked my way into the tight fit in F-55 and literally thanked god for no drama getting tucked into my home for the next 2 days. Rest of day was hiring agent to help me check into the country and getting all the import permit stuff and visa sorted…SO worth the $200 USD…it is mind blowing the amount of paperwork…thanks again Fernando!
The rest of that day was spent chillin on the boat, getting stuff put away, maybe some adult beverages consumed, can’t really recall :). topped night off with a hot shower & underwhelming expensive dinner at the hotel….
Today: Boat prep, shopping for provisions, researching routes, a list a mile long…hard to believe always so much to do before heading out..but: I’m now going to be anchoring in small towns (if there is one) remote anchorages where I need to be prepared for anything. I’m ready!
Finished off my night with a delectable Halibut dinner (thanks Ella & Carl on C dock for the fish!!) some local amazing Latin rock music and some wine…yes, life is good aboard the good ship loolypop!!
so there you go, early curtain call tomorrow so talk to ya’ all next time I have a signal to download!…I’m a little anxious about shoe horning my way out of this slip with multimillion dollar yachts around me….and the fairway isn’t even as wide as my boat length, reminds me of learning how to parallel park…SO not a big deal now since I’ve done it a hundred times. Confidence comes with practice, I welcome the challenge-
Capt. Frady Cat