“Swinging” La Cruz Style!
23 December 2024 | tied to the dock in La Cruz
Brian Wade | mid 80’s every day

Spoiler Alert! No, not that kind of swinging….sorry to disappoint, learning the fine art of “click bait” from the almighty Youtube:).
Last night I had the pleasure of being invited to the second annual roof top garden fiesta with all the fine people at Howard & Pams building + other friends from different condo down the street and others. It all started around 5 pm with Margaritas in the penthouse overlooking the anchorage here in La Cruz…then Pam & I prepared our makeshift charcuterie board with different cheeses, crackers etc…of course sampling was paramount before serving - good thing too because I hadn’t had any scraps all day! Once we got the green light on presentation we set up tables for all the food being brought by others (price of admission plus we all pitched in for the band)
Band started at 7:00 sharp, super fun dudes…great music and totally included us poor victims in dance and laughter, my kind of thing. Gotta admit it’s something magical being on the roof, looking out over the entire Banderos Bay (where Puerto Vallarta is as well) good food great company and crazy awesome music. Fortunately I wasn’t the only one tripping on myself :). Another plus, walking distance back to the boat! NO DUI for this sailor! Finished off my evening sitting in the cockpit with only shorts on, totally warm & suffering through one more glass of pretty decent Malbec…someone’s gotta do it-
Since we talked last, it’s been daily chores of putting my mighty ship back together after an 8 month hiatus. i totally strip everything before leaving. All lines, canvas, sails, anything that could get damaged by sun, wind, rain & general harsh Mexican environs. It’s pretty much back together. Now to service the engine, install Starlink, some other sailing hardware I muled down here and then, the big purge. My v-berth is loaded with stuff that has to go away for now as Broski will need a place to sleep once I pick him up in Zihuatanejo for a month of booze & debauchery sailing back north to Sea of Cortez. Thankfully, Howard has offered up some temporary storage solutions in his bodega, thanks Howard!
It’s been a non stop parade of get togetherness, dinners out (this town is great for that) trips to the big Mega & La Comer grocery stores (most of that food is going to waste) and re filling my Modelo supply as needed. I’m hoping the daily morning power walks for 5-7 miles and lawnboy boot camp on the point in the hot sun will help mitigate the Modelo habit, come on guys….one’s gotta hydrate!
My sights are set for a 2nd or 3rd week of January departure to head south to new horizons & experiences…never been to Zihuat, pretty stoked about that!
Thanks for reading! Time for modelo #1.
Capm Lawnboy!