Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks
09 February 2013 | LaPaz, Mexico
John Warren
Well...it's taken a long time...but, I'm finally learning how to be (somewhat) flexible...and it's not so easy. I've always thought out the plan and then implemented the plan, but this year has been different...and nice...I must admit! I've had it in my brain for two years now that I wanted to sail back to Manzanillo/Santiago Bay/Las Hadas where we have had so much fun in years past on Warren Peace, but the cards this year just don't play out that way...she's not going. My plan was to leave Warren Peace in LaPaz this summer for deck repairs, but we met with the carpenter and he is ready to get started...NOW! So it's time to be flexible and change our plans...we're staying in LaPaz for most of the cruising season to have major repairs done to our teak decks and enjoy the southern Sea of Cortez. Oh...and BTW...LaPaz is a great place to have to stay in! We talked to the carpenter early last week and he said that he could start working on the decks this coming Monday...the 11th of February. The repair work will take approximately one month so we decided to sail to the islands this week and enjoy our boat before she is committed to her slip for deck surgery.
We are currently at a marina called Marina Costa Baja outside of LaPaz and know lots of people here from years past...however, we are also meeting new friends every year...and this year is no different. Only two slips away from us is another boat named MaToWi. The owners of MaToWi happen to be from the Bay Area and know many of our friends....from the Passport Owners Association, from the Oakland Yacht Club, from Encinal Yacht Club, Corinthian Yacht Club and the Emeryville Marina....how small this world is! So...with all the years of sailing San Francisco Bay and going to dock parties at the Emeryville Marina...somehow, we missed meeting our new friends...Bill and Vicki. But, we're friends now. And...I'm glad we are.
Bill and Vicki on MaToWi and Sharon and I on Warren Peace set out early this week to create some new memories and adventures on the southern islands near LaPaz. Both boats left Marina Costa Baja on Tuesday and motor/sailed to Caleta Partida...winds were very light...almost non existent. Over the next several days we anchored at Caleta Partida and Ensenda Grande at Isla Espiritu Santo and Isla Partida. On Thursday we decided to motor up to Isla San Francisco...only 18 miles north to the next island...BIG MISTAKE! We pulled our anchors at a beautiful quiet anchorage and motored out into the Sea of Cortez only to get blasted by 17-20 kt winds and very ugly choppy seas. Both boats got hammered and were taking lots of water over the decks. What should have been an easy trip at about 7-8 kts of speed over the water was down to about half of that....basically, a three hour trip was going to take us about five hours....ouch! I called Bill on VHF and asked...."Have you had enough of this?" The answer came back very quickly..."Oh yes" and we both decided to turn around, run with the wind and head back to Caleta Partida where the anchorage was still very calm and quiet. (Latitude 24 degrees 31.9 minutes north/ Longitude 110 degrees 22.8 minutes west.) We spent the afternoon and evening there where we played games, laughed and had a wonderful time. On Friday we hopped to several anchorages further south of the island and eventually sailed back to the marina just as the sun was setting. This week was a good time had by all.
Today...back to work! The attempt to sail to Isla San Francisco totally encrusted the boat with salt so Sharon and I spent the entire day washing the boat with lots of soap trying to get her as clean as possible. With the deck work starting on Monday...there will be no more washing of the boat for a month.
This coming week should be fun also as Carnival started today and the Malecon was closed to the entire town. There are craft booths, clothing booths, lots of loud music and bands everywhere. Sharon and I plan to attend the last evening of Carnival on Tuesday night when the parade comes down the main street on the ocean front...the Malecon. Should be a total blast and we'll take lots of pictures...possibly...the next blog! Wednesday morning we plan to rent a car and go visit friends from the Bay Area at a beach house about two hours south of LaPaz and stay there several nights. From there...drive to Todos Santos for lunch (home of the Eagles' song....Hotel California". Then...back to Warren Peace in LaPaz and watch the carpenter drill more holes in our deck...which I'm paying him lots of money to do. Seems sort of sick to me to watch someone tear up your expensive teak deck...but, the end result should be very, very nice indeed!
Stay tuned....more to come!