Rolling Down To Rio
16 February 2016 | 110 miles East of Bahia, Brazil
Its over a week since I passed St Peter and St Paul Rocks and well may you wonder what's been going on. Well not very much really as I'm just sailing along with a breeze on the port beam sometimes very quiet like a couple of days ago when I decided to carry out some necessary maintenance on the cockpit winches. With a breeze of about 4 knots and just making steerage at one to two knots was surrounded by literally hundreds and hundreds of dolphins. Looking back and around out to at least half a mile were the ever present splashes of them leaping and cavorting. Close in they were carrying out all the improvisations they could muster. A leap and simulated swimming in mid air, surging along with the chin out of the water, little tail churning on the surface with the head down and so on . All the while at least twenty would be in tight formation just under the bows with barely a flippers breadth between them with new arrivals squeezing in al the time. This went on for over an h our in splendid conditions of calm blue seas and clear blue skies. Passed very close to the island of Fernando da Norohna with its extraordinary peak. The East going current became more pronounced and actually had to tack - three times! - to make the Eastern side and so avoid any wind shadow neath the lee. A beautiful tropical paradise where we spent many delightful days these thirty eight years ago. Travelling well offshore from Recife where I got my Yellow Fever shots for the subsequent Amazon Expedition. Memories of light working skiffs with sails made up from flour bags sewn together and one of the crew detailed to scoop up water on to them to seal the pores - a precursor to your modern day Mylar. Little one man bamboo rafts off the beach with a kitchen stool to sit on a Tilley Lamp and a net set in the air to snare flying fish at night. Now just passing Bahia with its unique waterfront and trading craft from all around the Bay of All Saints selling their fish and fruit and manioca flour and gold encrusted cathedrals midst obvious poverty. Memories.... Which reminds me -St Valentine's Day and Barbies Fruit Cake. Brew up coming up! --------------020906040609020909040706--