Museums and Street Fairs
26 September 2009
• San Diego
by Amber

We have had a busy couple of days.
Carden basically rises with the seagulls, who start making a racket at 6.30am, and it's "Dora, Cherrios, Dora" until 7.30am. We bribe him to stay belowdeck until about 8.30am with Dora, breakfast, shower and breakfast #2 but by 9am he is on deck trying to climb, fish, feed the ducks, and generally going wild. Just like at home we try and get him to an area where he can run and play and go bananas before he goes stir crazy.
Yesterday we biked all the way to Balboa park to see the Railroad Museum and the Science Centre. It took us an hour and a half and Jeff was grumpy because I tricked him and told him it was a flat ride when it was actually 6 blocks uphill, so steep we had to push the bikes up. (hee hee) But, we had a good time. The model railroad museum is actually quite cool if you have any interest in models or trains. It is quite big and has 3 or 4 really massive, built to scale displays with electric trains and lots of photos and history of the railroads in California. Cardens favourite part was playing with Thomas the Tank Engine at the end. We have been looking for a set to get him ever since. A quick email to Nanny and Grandpa confirmed there is an enormous 15 year collection of brio trainsets in the attic in Whistler. Score! Grandpa is going to get major brownie points with Carden when he shows up with some in October.
Today we went to the Adams Avenue Street Fair. We had to take 3 busses to get there, kind of like bussing form N Van to Richmond. We got to see some different neighbourhoods and the fair was great with 3 sounds stages and some rockin local bands. It was 26 degrees today and we carried Carden most of the way so "Daddy" is now "Donkey". We had some roadside food and went on some rides - (okay I went on the "Bees" ride with Carden - it went round and round about 5 feet in the air - it wasnt exactly the Gravitron)
Jeff and I (since we are 10 month newlyweds - haha) are learning a lot about each other. I like fairgrounds and popcorn and cotton candy and rides and churros and the games where you win fuzzy animals and street fairs and shopping and street food and transit. Jeff hates heat, crowds, endless stalls that sell the same thing, $4 bottled water, fairground rides and strangers with cats talking to him on transit. But he persevered for us and tomorrow is Jeffs Day so he gets to do whatever he wants. He has decided to "equalize the batteries". Great! I'm going to take Carden to the beach and park while my dear husband stares at 8 batteries for 8 hours.