Canadian family circumnavigating full time aboard a 2001 Leopard 45.

Bahia Saint Marie

Well, I dont remember where I last updated but the last few days we have been doing what y'all have thought we have been doing the whole trip.

We got into BSM in the dark (again) and settled in for the night. First thing in the morning we all jumped in the ocean which was relatively warm (the boys thought it was warm and I thought it was a tad better than Bowen!) Carden even jumped in and we all swam around for a while. Then we got out and Carden screamed bloody murder because he wanted to stay in and "I swimmin" "I floatin" "I dolphin" which was cute for us but not for the rest of our peaceful anchorage.

Some local fishermen came by and offered us some local lagostinas (lobster) but unfortunately they are "out of season" and illegal to buy.

The boys went for a hike on the local hills and we visited sv Qualchan a great family we have met along the way, and also stopped in to eat Birthday Cake on Sv Sapphire.

Tuesday the Baja Ha Ha fleet landed their dingys (or tried to) on the beach and the local mexicans put on a great feast for us and set up a makeshift bar on the hillside. They brought in a band and the whole fleet danced away the afternoon. Lunch was $15 each and we tipped the band $5 which may seem like a lot in Mexico but when you stand on the top of the hill and look around there is absolutely nothing for miles and we realized how far the locals had hauled all their food and gear in pickups and pangas to host the party for us. It was another little treat the Grand Poobah and the Baja Ha Ha Committee organized for their fleet this year!

Carden met up with another 2 year old, Anna from sv Vento and 4 year old Sienna from sv Mishak and they had lots of fun making sand castles, playing chase and getting candy from the other sailors. A great day indeed.

This morning the fleet left at 6am. We had a late start but have caught up pretty quick and are enroute to Cabo!
