Canadian family circumnavigating full time aboard a 2001 Leopard 45.


WE made it (again)
This was our best landfall so far, it is also the ONLY one we have made in daylight since Vancouver.
We passed the famous Cabo rocks on Thursday morning and after re-fuelling and getting some much needed water we anchored in 30 feet of turquoise water - and promptly dove in.

Cabo is awesome. You should see our home right now. We are in a little protected bay with about 100 other sailboats, white sand beach, $1 beers, $1 tacos (not going to get sick of that any time soon!) Cabo of course is super touristy but its a cute bay, beautiful landscape and very lively.

My mum flew down from Vancouver on Thursday with my brother Blaine. Ironicaly we dropped our hook at 3pm, just as their plane landed. It has taken us 3 months to get here, their flight was 6 hours.

Carden loves the beach and the pool at mum's resort and is keeping busy. Jeff and I are busy wrapping up the passage with Ha ha parties and gatherings and sussing out which of our newfound friends we will see again down the coast.
