Voyage of the SV Terrwyn

Bill and Cathy Norrie are co-caps on their beautiful yacht, Terrwyn and together they are voyaging around the world.

19 October 2016 | Friday Harbour, Washington.
28 August 2016
18 June 2016 | 48 17'N:124 03'W, Strait of Juan de Fuca
14 June 2016 | 47 30'N:127 35'W, Bamfield, B.C., Canada
13 June 2016 | 47 30'N:127 35'W, Approaching the Pacific North West
12 June 2016 | 45 31'N:131 13'W, Approaching the Pacific North West
11 June 2016 | 44 36'N:132 31'W, Approaching the Pacific North West
09 June 2016 | 42 25'N:135 40'W, Approaching the Pacific North West
07 June 2016 | 40 05'N:140 20'W, Day 15 : Hawaii to Canada
04 June 2016 | 36 40'N:143 30'W, Day 12 : Hawaii to Canada
03 June 2016 | 34 36.5'N:144 28.9'W, Day 11 : Hawaii to Canada
02 June 2016 | 33 00'N:145 32'W, Day 10 : Hawaii to Canada
31 May 2016 | 30 01'N:146 37'W, Day 8 Hawaii to Canada
30 May 2016 | 29 34'N:149 06'W, Day 7 Hawaii to Canada
29 May 2016 | 28 58'N:150 35'W, 6 day underway
26 May 2016 | 24 43'N:156 56'W, Third day underway
25 May 2016 | 22 56.8'N:158 02'W, Leaving Oahu
24 May 2016 | Honolulu, Hawaii
14 May 2016 | Honolulu, Hawaii
12 May 2016 | 21 11.6'N:157 42'W, Sailing to Honolulu

Holy of Holies

29 March 2016 | 01 12'S:90 39'W, Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos, Ecuador
We pilgrims arrive from far off lands on our quest to see these islands that changed the world. No longer a theory but reality Ð natural selection. Thank you, Charlie Darwin.

All pilgrims require a priest touring the sacred islands to interpret and preserve the relics. Our naturalist guide was indeed a high priestÉ Edwin. He preached to we the converted and we all loved his message and manner.

These young volcanic islands are far from the rest of the world and yet just far apart from each other to experience slightly different climates with the shifting currents. Setting the stage for diverging species allowing Mr. Darwin to understand the process and change the world.

National Geographic are here now again filming Darwin's finches feasting at the local restaurante on rice, crumbs and cheese and indeed evolutionary pressure continues to change their beak morphology "back".

Galapagos, the holy of holies, thank you for hosting us and thank you Ecuador and UNESCO for protecting this precious, priceless place.

It is time we weigh anchor and sail away; we shall never forget and new travellers await their turn to take our place.
Vessel Name: Terrwyn
Vessel Make/Model: Pacific Seacraft Crealock 37
Hailing Port: Victoria, B.C., Canada
Crew: Bill and Cathy Norrie (AKA Scuppers and Pipper)
SV Terrwyn has completed her circumnavigation of the world with her co-skippers Catherine (AKA Poppy) and William (AKA Scuppers) now getting used to their land legs. Getting off the boat successfully onto terra firma can be a challenge. [...]
Extra: Bill and Cathy are co-caps and together on their beautiful yacht, SV Terrwyn they are travelling around the world. We hope you enjoy travelling with us and we love to read any comments that you might leave.
Terrwyn's Photos - Main
The party was held at The Latch Inn, Sidney B.C. Over 80 people from far and wide joined us to celebrate our circumnavigation.
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Created 28 August 2016
We were able to get a 20 day visa to visit the Galapagos. Of those days we spent some on the island of Santa Cruz where Terrwyn is anchored then went on a 4 day cruise tour with 14 other people. The cruise took us to: Bachas Bay on Baltra Island, , Genovesa Island one of the most remote of the islands, Bartolome a volcanic islet just off the island of Santiago and finally Isabela, the largest island in the archipelago. A highlight for us was our final snorkelling time at Los Tuneles on Isabela. Imagine drifiting amongst numerous giant Green Turtles as they browse the seaweed. Bill even saw a large Seahorse, 8-10 inches in height! It was too far down (about 5 metres) for me to dive to. Seahorses are notoriously hard to find so this was quite a coup for the group to find.
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Created 26 March 2016
We sailed from Trinidad to Bonaire and then on to Santa Marta, Columbia. After a few days we took the bus to Cartagena and stayed overnight. Lovely historical town. From Santa Marta we sailed to the San Blas Islands visiting 3 different islands, one of which had a traditional village with very friendly Kunas. One of our favourite anchorages was the Swimming Pool Anchorage in the Holandes Cays. BBQ Island was sweet with a grass hut cafe that served fresh fish dinners every night - the guys would go out fishing at 6pm and the fish was served at 7:30. Talk about straight from the hook to your plate!! Transit the Panama Canal is another adventure.
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Created 28 February 2016
Time spent in Santa Marta and Cartagena gave us a taste of Colombia.
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Created 13 February 2016
A fascinating peek into history. One could almost sense the spirits which must still abound this place of confinement.
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Created 9 April 2015
We sailed in on Christmas morning 2014 and plan to stay a couple or three weeks. Lots to do and so many wonderful Saints to get to know.
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Created 2 January 2015
Whilst anchored in Walvis Bay we hired a car and took off into the desert. First Sossussvlei and then north to Etosha National Park and wild animals.
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Created 14 December 2014
We spent just over a week in the RCYC (Royal Cape Yacht Club) and enjoyed Cape Town especially with the Volvo Ocean Race teams being here (their first stop in the round the world race).
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Created 21 November 2014
On November 13, 2014 exactly one year to the day (and almost to the hour) when we sailed into False Bay from the east we set sail for the Cape of Good Hope. The only day in many that the weather was fair for us to head out. We made the journey from Simon's Town to Cape Town in a good time of 9 hours.
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Created 17 November 2014
Just a few images of the results of months of planning what we should take with us for our next leg. Despite careful selections when it comes down to the crunch much had to be left behind...
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Created 31 October 2014
We kept Terrwyn in Gulf Harbour Marina, Auckland New Zealand since we arrived in November 2011. After much work done to fix, add and update her we are finally ready to head off again. We spent a couple of nights in the Viaduct Marina in Auckland. It was fun to be in the middle of everything...particularly since an International Triathalon was being held in the Viaduct that weekend. Lots of people and things happening. We then headed off for Kawua Island where we spent a few days on a very secure mooring buoy thanks to the hospitatlity of the owners of Kawau Lodge, Helen and Dave Jefferies. Dinner with Lin and Larry Pardey was fun. A trip in Pickle, our inflatable dinghy, to Mansion House Bay topped it all off!
6 Photos
Created 11 April 2013