
These are the voyages of the sailing vessel, Wings.

31 August 2024 | Faa'a International Airport, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia
29 August 2024 | Pension Tiare Nui
25 August 2024 | Pension Tiare Nui
22 August 2024 | Pension Tiare Nui
12 August 2024 | Anchorage
28 June 2024 | Anchorage, AK
19 September 2023 | Pension Tiare Nui
15 September 2023 | Pension Tiare Nui
13 September 2023 | Pension Tiare Nui
11 September 2023 | Pension Tiare Nui
07 September 2023 | Apooiti Bay
03 September 2023 | Tapuamu, Taha'a
02 September 2023 | Tapuamu, Taha'a
31 August 2023 | Haamene Bay, Taha'a
29 August 2023 | Relais Mehana Hotel, Huahine
26 August 2023 | Fare, Huahine
19 August 2023 | Aloe Cafe, Viatape
13 August 2023 | Aloe Cafe, Viatape
11 August 2023 | Apooiti Bay mooring field

It's in the Mail!

28 June 2019 | Marina Taina
William Ennis | Windy
We're sitting up in the "crow's nest" of the marina office, overlooking the marina. It's the only location for Wifi reception and we just received great news.

Our friends Joe and Kelly have been working with Alaska Rubber to select a replacement regulator for us. Joe selected one and Alaska Rubber supplied the extra parts that should allow a fit into our system. Joe mailed it to us yesterday and with any luck, by next week's end, we'll be in business.

To Kelly and Joe and Alaska Rubber, thank you for the effort on our behalf. It was a simple mistake with outsized consequences simply because of our location. Friendship, good will, and effort will probably allow us to connect this new set of parts to our system and it'll all be a memory. Neither Conni nor I will miss a sandwich-only menu.

Conni's been sick with a terrible cold, and I'm fervently hoping that I can avoid it, since I'll come down with it just as we start our engine work.

We've enjoyed our dock location, temporary though it may be. On the other side of the stone and concrete quay, are the superyachts that won't fit in the marina, and they're huge! If you're a boat person, "Google" these yachts.

Kawil, just across from us.
Hemisphere, the largest catamaran in the world!
Adix, a gorgeous three-masted schooner

We're in the presence of giants and it's great to see such elegance and power dedicated to boats, most are sailboats, by the way. Hemisphere's width is so enormous that her single mast needs no spreaders to provide outward support! In my whole life, I've never seen that. She's enormous. Adix, the queen of that fleet, in my opinion, is beautifully outfitted and maintained. There're fine YouTube videos on her participation in the Antigua Classic Yacht race.

We watched Kawil dock in a 30+ knot crosswind. These boats are Med moored, too, so they must back into a slip with multi-million-dollar yachts on both sides. On the way, they must drop at least one anchor, be sure that it's set, then back down to within throwing distance from the quay so that dock hands can catch and secure the stern lines. Once accomplished, they can center the boats by adjusting anchor and dock lines. The skipper, not the owner, had to try 4 times to get his boat into position, and the strong wind kept pushing him out of position. Finally, he "ferried" the craft aft, drifting backward and across the wind, much like a canoe in a river current. It was cleverly done and succeeded. The bow (and I assume) stern thrusters were going full tilt to keep Kawli aligned. Even the Marina Taina director, Philippe, was on hand for the circus.

Life as a charter boat crew member: I never considered it, but it has its allure. If one were young, adventurous, and willing to wear a uniform on duty, one could see the world and probably get a nice salary. Hey, what's not to like?

The winds are continuing to build. It doesn't look like rain tonight, but the winds are at least 30-knots. I'm so glad that we're safe and secure inside the marina, with power and showers and all. As I look out at the lagoon, I can see whitecaps, a sure sign of at least 20-knots of wind.

We're returning to the boat.
Vessel Name: Wings
Vessel Make/Model: Passport 40
Hailing Port: Anchorage, Alaska
Crew: William Ennis and Constance Livsey
About: We've been married since 1991, and both retired from our respective jobs (teacher and attorney) after long careers. We live in the most exotic of the United States: Alaska. We cruise on Wings for half the year, enjoying our home state the other part of the year.
We've sailed Wings Southward from Alaska since August, 2010. We joined the BajaHaha from SoCal to Mexico in 2012. We joined the Pacific Puddle Jump in 2013 and crossed the Pacific Ocean. Wings "over-summered" in French Polynesia. We continued our journey through western French Polynesia, [...]
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